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Our Family of Companies
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)
Our Family of Companies
An Energy Leader
PSEG is a $28 billion energy and energy services company with three major subsidiaries:
  • PSE&G, a regulated electric and gas distribution business which delivers energy,
  • PSEG Power, which generates electricity,
  • PSEG Energy Holdings, the parent of PSEG's other unregulated businesses: PSEG Global, an international operator of power generation and distribution systems, and PSEG Resources, which invests in energy-related financial transactions.

In addition, our PSEG Services Corporation provides quality, value-added services to internal clients within the Enterprise family of companies.

Visit each of our companies below:

PSE&G's Residential, Industrial, Commercial Customer Services and Information on Energy Choice
PSEG Global
PSEG Resources
PSEG Fossil
PSEG Nuclear
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade

PSE&G Solar Loans