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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program (Public Comments)

Full Name Organization Date Rec'd Attachments

Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.

Karin Ritter American Petroleum Institute 9/22/06 API_EIA 1605 comments.pdf
Jim Roewer Utility Solid Waste Activities Group 9/22/06 USWAG 1605b Comments to EIA (2).pdf
Timothy Hunt American Forest & Paper Association 9/22/06 EIA Comments - Final 09 22 06.doc
Carol Whitman, Ph.D. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association 9/22/06 NRECA_Form EIA-1605_Comments_09-22-2006.pdf
Chris M. Hobson Southern Company 9/25/06 SoCo Comments to EIA Final Draft CMH Itrhd 9-25-06 (6).doc
William L. Fang Edison Electric Institute 9/25/06 1605b-RevRptgForm,EEIcommentsCombFINAL092506.pdf
Paul H. Genoa Nuclear Energy Institute 9/25/06 NEI 1605b Draft Forms and Instructions Comments Sept 25 2006.pdf
John Kinsman PowerTree Carbon Company, LLC 9/25/06 1605Forms_Comments_PowerTree_25Sept06.doc
James W. Keating BP America, Inc. 9/25/06 BP 1605b forms comments.pdf
Contact the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program