Data Collections
Digital aerial photographs, digital elevation models, TIGER files, and population statistics help citizens learn more about their communities. |
Exhibits and Public Access
GIS displays and queries multiple layers of information in real time, helping you discover the relationships and interactions between natural systems and human cultures.
Research and Collections
A GIS database can be queried and analyzed with standard statistical techniques and comes to life through the visualization and spatial analysis tools a GIS provides.
Product Options
ESRI offers a variety of products options to meet the needs of educational institutions of any size. |
Making information accessible and easy to understand is the goal of libraries and museums everywhere. A GIS organizes, analyzes, and presents information in ways that spark greater understanding of places and events around the globe and close to home.
Introducing the ESRI Education Community Web Portal
The ESRI Education Community Web Portal is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences, GIS lessons, and data between GIS educators around the globe. The site is open to anyone with an interest in GIS in education and includes several tools for collaboration and exchange, including:
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