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August 23, 1973

It's "Event of Century," Says Russellville Mayor

“…this announcement today will be recorded (as)…possessing the greatest potential in the first 100 years of Russellville’s history..”[1]

Editor’s Note: In the 1970’s, commercial nuclear technology was still fairly new. Domestic oil supplies were (and still are) dwindling, the Nation was vulnerable to disruptions in oil imports, and Arkansas rarely drew media attention. But the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the Southwest in Russellville gave natives hope that technology could generate not only electricity but jobs, revenue, and a promising future. Much has happened in Arkansas since then but, although “Arkansas Nuclear One has been a boon to the (State’s) economy for nearly 25 years…many people in Arkansas do not even know the history[2]   Still to be determined is whether that era has passed forever leaving a stagnant nuclear industry, or is there a nuclear renaissance about to begin.

Arkansas Nuclear Highlights

  • Of the 31 States with nuclear capacity, Arkansas ranks 18th
  • Although total U.S. nuclear generation declined for the first time in 5 years in 2003, nuclear generation in Arkansas rose by nearly 10 percent.
  • Based on preliminary data, the output for the first 5 months of 2003 for Arkansas Nuclear One power plant is 11 percent higher than in the comparable period of 2002.  This upward Statewide trend contrasts with the National decline of 2.5 percent in nuclear generation.
  • The Arkansas Nuclear One power plant ranks 83rd in capacity on the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) list of largest electric power plants.
  • Entergy corporation owns Arkansas' sole nuclear power plant.  Entergy is one of several companies that moved quickly to acquire commercial nuclear capacity as deregulation spread.  In addition to Arkansas, they own nuclear power plants in two other southern States:  Louisiana (Waterford ) and Mississippi (Grand Gulf).  In New England, Entergy has the Pilgrim power plant (Massachusetts) and Vermont Yankee.  They also own three commercial reactors in New York (James Fitzpatrick, Indian Point 2 and 3).
Nuclear Generation in Arkansas, 1960 through 2003
Million Kilowatt Hours
Nuclear Generation in Arkansas, 1960 through 2002
    Sources: Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data Report 1999, and Electric Power Annual, Volume 1, 2001, and EIA Survey Form 906.


Nuclear Power Plant
Data for 2003
Plant Name Nuclear Units Capacity Net MWe Share of
State Nuclear Generation Total
Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 1, Unit 2 1,776 100% Entergy Arkansas, Inc / Entergy.
   Source: Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report"

Competing Fuels

Electricity Market in Arkansas (Percent Generated by Fuel)
Year Coal N.Gas Hydro Nuclear Petroleum Other



Arkansas Electric Power Industry Estimated Emissions
Thousand Short Tons
Thousand Short Tons National Ranking Annual Growth Rate
(1993 through 2002)
Sulfur Dioxide
80 29th 2.1 percent
Nitrogen Oxide
45 35th -5.0 percent
Carbon Dioxide
29,057 32nd 2.9 percent
   Source:  State Electricity Profiles, Energy Information Administration


See also, the comprehensive table comparing emissions tonnage for all 50 States plus the District of Columbia.


License Renewal 

According to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the license renewal application for unit 1 was approved on June 20, 2001.  The original license for unit 1 expired in 2014.  The renewed license will expire on May 20, 2034.  An application for unit 2 was received by the NRC on October 15, 2003, and is currently under review.

Information on the current status of all license renewal applications appears on the NRC web site at http://www.nrc.gov .  To locate the data, select "index,"then select the letter "l"and click on "License Renewal."

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[1] Daily Courier Democrat, "It's the Event of the Century, says Russellville Mayor,"August 23, 1973.
[2] "An American Energy Source at Substantial Savings,"pamphlet, Arkansas Nuclear One, (undated).


Release Date: July 24, 2004
Next Release Date: September 2005

State Nuclear Industry

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