Released: June 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table B36. Percent of Floorspace Lit When Open, Number of Buildings and Floorspace for Non-Mall Buildings, 2003
  Number of Buildings (thousand) Total Floorspace (million square feet)
Lit a
1 to 50
51 to 99
Percent Lit
Lit a
1 to 50
51 to 99
All Buildings* ............................... 4,645 432 929 1,108 2,176 64,783 3,503 10,203 18,288 32,789
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 2,552 304 524 540 1,184 6,789 777 1,372 1,482 3,158
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 889 77 149 220 444 6,585 558 1,124 1,671 3,233
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 738 28 184 203 323 11,535 373 2,810 3,179 5,173
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ 241 12 47 80 102 8,668 454 1,705 2,807 3,702
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... 129 Q 16 37 69 9,057 Q 1,146 2,570 4,903
100,001 to 200,000 ........................ 65 Q 7 18 37 9,064 Q 1,025 2,442 5,187
200,001 to 500,000 ........................ 25 Q Q 8 14 7,176 Q Q 2,389 3,985
Over 500,000 ................................. 7 Q Q 2 4 5,908 Q Q 1,748 3,448
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 386 Q 28 107 248 9,874 Q 332 4,202 5,299
Food Sales ..................................... 226 Q Q 45 142 1,255 Q Q 317 812
Food Service ................................. 297 Q 43 61 192 1,654 Q 276 362 1,004
Health Care .................................... 129 N Q 45 72 3,163 N Q 1,230 1,841
  Inpatient ....................................... 8 N Q 3 5 1,905 N Q 817 1,060
  Outpatient .................................... 121 N Q 42 67 1,258 N Q 414 781
Lodging .......................................... 142 N 56 33 53 5,096 N 1,298 1,524 2,274
Retail (Other Than Mall).................. 443 Q 63 126 254 4,317 Q 471 1,226 2,618
Office ............................................. 824 N 144 274 406 12,208 N 1,088 4,585 6,535
Public Assembly ............................ 277 Q 74 76 114 3,939 Q 1,266 977 1,675
Public Order and Safety ................ 71 Q 26 16 24 1,090 Q 137 242 691
Religious Worship .......................... 370 N 106 122 143 3,754 N 1,676 1,053 1,025
Service .......................................... 622 43 149 113 316 4,050 145 617 825 2,463
Warehouse and Storage ............... 597 187 165 65 180 10,078 990 2,410 1,328 5,351
Other .............................................. 79 Q Q 23 33 1,738 Q Q 417 1,201
Vacant ........................................... 182 169 Q N N 2,567 2,237 Q N N
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 330 30 117 81 102 3,769 241 1,264 1,132 1,132
1920 to 1945 .................................. 527 57 113 124 233 6,871 557 1,417 1,731 3,166
1946 to 1959 .................................. 562 50 125 134 253 7,045 410 1,295 2,026 3,313
1960 to 1969 .................................. 579 36 131 133 279 8,101 383 1,456 2,437 3,824
1970 to 1979 .................................. 731 45 106 199 380 10,772 524 1,117 3,487 5,645
1980 to 1989 .................................. 707 61 131 167 348 10,332 309 1,193 3,077 5,752
1990 to 1999 .................................. 876 96 159 192 429 12,360 610 1,653 3,074 7,024
2000 to 2003 .................................. 334 57 47 77 153 5,533 469 808 1,324 2,933
Census Region
Northeast ....................................... 726 42 187 170 327 12,905 505 2,750 3,599 6,051
Midwest ......................................... 1,266 145 279 355 488 17,080 1,247 2,753 5,299 7,781
South ............................................. 1,775 201 281 357 936 23,489 1,293 3,189 6,134 12,874
West .............................................. 878 44 182 227 425 11,310 458 1,512 3,256 6,083
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 855 102 178 229 346 10,622 637 1,956 3,666 4,362
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 1,173 85 278 319 491 17,335 1,085 2,667 4,929 8,654
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 673 43 158 160 311 11,504 315 2,132 3,133 5,924
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 1,276 129 217 250 680 15,739 889 2,066 3,804 8,979
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 669 72 98 150 348 9,584 576 1,382 2,756 4,870
Number of Floors
One ................................................ 3,136 361 533 656 1,585 25,981 1,985 3,655 5,594 14,747
Two ............................................... 1,031 53 264 283 431 16,270 826 3,394 4,633 7,415
Three ............................................. 339 Q 103 117 104 7,501 Q 1,561 2,505 3,107
Four to Nine ................................... 128 Q 28 47 51 10,085 Q 1,179 3,721 4,822
Ten or More ................................... 12 N Q 4 6 4,947 N Q 1,835 2,697
Number of Workers (main shift)
Fewer than 5 ................................. 2,653 426 726 497 1,003 15,492 3,412 4,560 2,585 4,935
5 to 9 .............................................. 778 Q 114 231 429 6,166 Q 1,741 1,651 2,751
10 to 19 .......................................... 563 Q 56 165 341 7,803 Q 1,512 2,155 4,124
20 to 49 .......................................... 398 Q 27 128 242 10,989 Q 1,235 3,297 6,427
50 to 99 .......................................... 147 Q 5 49 92 7,934 Q 678 2,915 4,314
100 to 249 ...................................... 77 N Q 26 50 6,871 N Q 2,337 4,453
250 or More ................................... 30 N Q 10 19 9,528 N Q 3,348 5,784
Weekly Operating Hours
Fewer than 40 ............................... 1,002 279 199 198 325 6,863 2,696 1,257 1,177 1,734
40 to 48 .......................................... 1,117 Q 240 293 561 11,622 Q 2,233 3,401 5,881
49 to 60 .......................................... 1,062 Q 216 282 549 15,723 Q 2,697 4,614 8,296
61 to 84 .......................................... 591 Q 88 164 328 10,334 Q 1,082 3,468 5,762
85 to 167 ........................................ 400 Q 58 86 226 7,092 Q 706 2,000 4,192
Open Continuously ........................ 475 76 127 85 187 13,149 368 2,228 3,629 6,924
Vacancy Status
Completely Vacant ......................... 157 157 N N N 2,161 2,161 N N N
Mostly Vacant ................................ 25 Q Q N N 406 Q Q N N
Partially Vacant .............................. 548 69 145 137 197 12,382 321 2,146 4,399 5,516
Not At All Vacant ........................... 3,915 194 771 971 1,980 49,834 945 7,727 13,889 27,273
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 4,404 190 929 1,108 2,176 63,307 2,026 10,203 18,288 32,789
Natural Gas .................................... 2,391 63 473 669 1,187 43,468 1,140 6,486 13,050 22,792
Fuel Oil ........................................... 451 Q 109 127 205 15,157 Q 2,124 5,298 7,605
District Heat ................................... 67 Q 16 14 37 5,443 Q 313 1,896 3,106
District Chilled Water ...................... 33 Q Q 10 21 2,853 Q Q 1,128 1,541
Propane ......................................... 502 Q 126 126 238 7,076 Q 1,167 1,964 3,735
Other .............................................. 132 Q Q 37 64 1,401 Q Q 530 667
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 3,982 118 796 1,035 2,033 60,028 1,510 9,295 17,648 31,575
Buildings with Cooling .................... 3,625 61 698 976 1,890 56,940 713 8,535 17,132 30,559
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 3,472 72 689 948 1,764 56,478 932 8,621 17,130 29,795
Buildings with Cooking ................... 801 Q 138 231 425 22,237 Q 2,817 7,918 11,367
Buildings with Manufacturing ........ 119 Q 16 35 67 3,138 Q 574 957 1,566
Buildings with Electricity
 Generation .................................... 149 Q 19 55 75 12,821 Q 877 4,895 6,941
Percent of Floorspace Heated
Not Heated ..................................... 663 314 133 73 143 4,756 1,993 909 640 1,214
1 to 50 ............................................ 523 31 247 87 157 6,850 343 2,916 1,248 2,343
51 to 99 .......................................... 498 Q 83 263 137 8,107 Q 1,046 4,132 2,863
100 ................................................. 2,962 71 466 685 1,739 45,071 1,102 5,333 12,267 26,370
Percent of Floorspace Cooled
Not Cooled ..................................... 1,020 371 231 132 286 7,843 2,790 1,668 1,156 2,229
1 to 50 ............................................ 985 24 378 210 374 16,598 414 4,053 3,820 8,311
51 to 99 .......................................... 629 Q 89 304 228 13,211 Q 1,755 6,366 5,055
100 ................................................. 2,011 29 231 462 1,289 27,132 264 2,727 6,947 17,194
Percent Lit When Closed
Zero ............................................... 1,964 132 483 442 907 17,385 1,147 3,954 3,842 8,442
1 to 50 ............................................ 1,882 32 299 564 987 30,948 777 3,871 10,447 15,853
51 to 100 ........................................ 136 Q Q 18 96 2,093 Q Q 370 1,570
Building Never Closed/
 Electricity Not Used ....................... 664 265 127 85 187 14,357 1,576 2,228 3,629 6,924
Lighting Equipment Types
(more than one may apply)
Incandescent ................................. 2,184 Q 506 673 990 38,528 Q 6,483 12,947 18,667
Standard Fluorescent .................... 3,943 28 814 1,053 2,048 59,688 714 9,412 17,816 31,745
Compact Fluorescent ..................... 941 Q 202 290 445 27,571 Q 3,456 9,855 14,115
High Intensity Discharge ................ 455 Q 61 147 238 20,643 Q 1,947 7,153 11,234
Halogen .......................................... 565 Q 99 174 286 17,703 Q 2,425 6,112 9,110
Other .............................................. 8 N Q Q Q 269 N Q Q Q
Window and Interior Lighting
Features (more than one
may apply)
Multipaned Windows ..................... 2,201 75 455 648 1,023 38,910 752 5,918 12,356 19,884
Tinted Window Glass .................... 1,323 28 227 375 694 29,887 883 3,412 9,365 16,227
Reflective Window Glass .............. 308 Q 74 79 146 8,544 Q 915 2,766 4,735
External Overhangs
 or Awnings ...............…................ 1,233 40 217 351 625 17,242 275 2,143 5,599 9,224
Skylights or Atriums ....................... 331 Q 69 104 143 12,546 Q 1,452 4,360 6,612
Daylighting Sensors ....................... 74 Q 21 24 28 2,868 Q 347 930 1,562
Specular Reflectors ....................... 928 Q 159 294 464 26,118 Q 2,945 8,622 14,233
Electronic Ballasts ......................... 2,577 14 493 732 1,337 46,882 481 6,236 14,735 25,429
Energy Management and
 Control System (EMCS)
 For Lighting ................................... 60 N Q 14 44 4,781 N Q 1,650 2,884
Equipment Usage Reduced
When Building Not In Full Use
(more than one may apply)b
Heating ........................................... 2,878 79 571 771 1,457 42,722 1,034 6,656 12,937 22,095
Cooling ........................................... 2,761 43 535 749 1,434 43,205 545 6,621 13,352 22,687
Lighting .......................................... 3,685 N 749 1,007 1,930 46,987 N 7,465 14,401 25,121
Office Equipment ........................... 1,504 Q 319 372 798 19,397 Q 3,496 5,299 10,336
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site -
 * Figures in this table do not include enclosed malls and strip malls. Mall buildings add an estimated 213 thousand buildings comprising 6.9 billion square feet.
a "Not Lit" includes buildings that were zero percent lit when open, buildings that were never open, and buildings that did not use any electricity.
b The definition for one or more of these row items has changed and may not be directly comparable with past CBECS estimates. See "Guide to the Tables" for discussion of the differences.
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample.
Notes: ● HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. ● Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.