Released: June 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table B34. Percent of Floorspace Heated, Number of Buildings and Floorspace for Non-Mall Buildings, 2003
  Number of Buildings (thousand) Total Floorspace (million square feet)
1 to 50
51 to 99
Percent Heated
1 to 50
51 to 99
All Buildings* ............................... 4,645 663 523 498 2,962 64,783 4,756 6,850 8,107 45,071
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 2,552 452 262 258 1,580 6,789 1,121 738 731 4,198
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 889 107 112 99 570 6,585 799 889 724 4,173
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 738 79 107 89 463 11,535 1,148 1,742 1,420 7,225
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ 241 16 22 27 176 8,668 608 842 941 6,278
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... 129 Q 13 13 98 9,057 Q 916 926 6,877
100,001 to 200,000 ........................ 65 Q 5 6 52 9,064 Q 703 779 7,228
200,001 to 500,000 ........................ 25 Q Q 4 19 7,176 Q Q 1,168 5,404
Over 500,000 ................................. 7 Q Q 2 4 5,908 Q Q 1,418 3,688
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 386 Q Q 27 340 9,874 Q Q 1,017 8,586
Food Sales ..................................... 226 Q Q Q 130 1,255 Q Q Q 791
Food Service ................................. 297 Q Q 52 211 1,654 Q Q 292 1,113
Health Care .................................... 129 Q Q 21 97 3,163 Q Q 465 2,569
  Inpatient ....................................... 8 N N 1 7 1,905 N N 325 1,580
  Outpatient .................................... 121 Q Q Q 90 1,258 Q Q Q 989
Lodging .......................................... 142 Q 12 16 114 5,096 Q 234 605 4,155
Retail (Other Than Mall).................. 443 Q 64 74 270 4,317 Q 657 787 2,631
Office ............................................. 824 22 47 102 653 12,208 279 541 2,222 9,167
Public Assembly ............................ 277 Q 26 34 198 3,939 Q 259 590 2,928
Public Order and Safety ................ 71 Q Q Q 58 1,090 Q Q Q 929
Religious Worship .......................... 370 Q Q 39 295 3,754 Q Q 404 2,897
Service .......................................... 622 107 99 68 348 4,050 364 542 521 2,624
Warehouse and Storage ............... 597 280 153 14 149 10,078 1,952 3,320 728 4,077
Other .............................................. 79 Q Q Q 55 1,738 Q Q Q 1,473
Vacant ........................................... 182 113 Q Q 45 2,567 1,077 Q Q 1,132
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 330 27 48 55 200 3,769 102 635 676 2,356
1920 to 1945 .................................. 527 85 60 70 312 6,871 635 819 1,066 4,351
1946 to 1959 .................................. 562 69 55 70 368 7,045 511 506 869 5,159
1960 to 1969 .................................. 579 55 65 52 407 8,101 591 557 867 6,086
1970 to 1979 .................................. 731 83 68 82 497 10,772 549 998 1,248 7,978
1980 to 1989 .................................. 707 88 84 73 460 10,332 524 1,054 1,361 7,394
1990 to 1999 .................................. 876 157 93 78 549 12,360 1,106 1,370 1,480 8,403
2000 to 2003 .................................. 334 98 50 18 168 5,533 737 911 540 3,345
Census Region
Northeast ....................................... 726 54 74 84 514 12,905 309 1,387 1,539 9,671
Midwest ......................................... 1,266 154 117 141 853 17,080 748 1,130 1,727 13,474
South ............................................. 1,775 312 236 168 1,059 23,489 2,491 2,841 2,891 15,266
West .............................................. 878 143 95 105 535 11,310 1,208 1,491 1,950 6,661
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 855 103 97 95 560 10,622 513 1111 1377 7,620
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 1,173 117 104 113 837 17,335 615 1,109 1,735 13,876
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 673 47 89 81 455 11,504 265 1,325 1,713 8,202
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 1,276 225 146 150 754 15,739 1,773 1,845 2,349 9,772
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 669 171 85 58 355 9,584 1,589 1,460 932 5,602
Number of Floors
One ................................................ 3,136 570 353 292 1,921 25,981 3,237 3,336 2,534 16,875
Two ............................................... 1,031 70 135 111 714 16,270 862 2,027 1,643 11,739
Three ............................................. 339 Q 21 69 228 7,501 Q 749 1,049 5,401
Four to Nine ................................... 128 Q 13 22 91 10,085 Q 556 1,601 7,587
Ten or More ................................... 12 Q Q 3 8 4,947 Q Q 1,280 3,470
Number of Workers (main shift)
Fewer than 5 ................................. 2,653 573 352 251 1,477 15,492 3,311 2,406 1,318 8,457
5 to 9 .............................................. 778 46 80 98 555 6,166 344 918 858 4,046
10 to 19 .......................................... 563 27 56 68 412 7,803 394 1,049 843 5,517
20 to 49 .......................................... 398 Q 23 50 313 10,989 Q 1,106 1,240 8,476
50 to 99 .......................................... 147 Q 7 18 115 7,934 Q 641 980 6,028
100 to 249 ...................................... 77 Q Q 7 66 6,871 Q Q 743 5,696
250 or More ................................... 30 Q Q 5 23 9,528 Q Q 2,123 6,851
Weekly Operating Hours
Fewer than 40 ............................... 1,002 250 115 81 555 6,863 1,617 842 509 3,895
40 to 48 .......................................... 1,117 80 140 118 779 11,622 694 1,389 1,091 8,447
49 to 60 .......................................... 1,062 96 132 120 713 15,723 960 2,055 2,035 10,672
61 to 84 .......................................... 591 57 55 90 389 10,334 323 971 1,797 7,244
85 to 167 ........................................ 400 69 39 38 254 7,092 412 828 681 5,171
Open Continuously ........................ 475 111 41 50 273 13,149 750 765 1,994 9,641
Vacancy Status
Completely Vacant ......................... 157 97 Q Q 39 2,161 940 Q Q 943
Mostly Vacant ................................ 25 Q Q Q Q 406 Q Q Q Q
Partially Vacant .............................. 548 116 74 62 296 12,382 891 1,367 2,307 7,817
Not At All Vacant ........................... 3,915 434 435 425 2,620 49,834 2,788 5,185 5,740 36,122
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 4,404 432 520 498 2,953 63,307 3,315 6,829 8,107 45,055
Natural Gas .................................... 2,391 47 231 317 1,796 43,468 494 4,006 5,965 33,002
Fuel Oil ........................................... 451 Q 62 56 325 15,157 Q 1,253 2,480 11,209
District Heat ................................... 67 Q Q 5 60 5,443 Q Q 636 4,716
District Chilled Water ...................... 33 Q Q 3 28 2,853 Q Q 342 2,328
Propane ......................................... 502 Q 88 58 342 7,076 Q 1,178 1,009 4,602
Other .............................................. 132 Q Q Q 104 1,401 Q Q Q 1,142
Space-Heating Energy Sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 1,766 N 275 229 1,261 28,600 N 4,077 4,355 20,168
Natural Gas .................................... 2,165 N 214 294 1,658 36,959 N 3,685 5,077 28,197
Fuel Oil ........................................... 360 N 57 48 254 5,988 N 772 846 4,370
District Heat ................................... 65 N Q 5 59 5,198 N Q 631 4,541
Propane ......................................... 372 N 64 41 266 3,204 N 587 344 2,272
Other .............................................. 113 N Q Q 89 842 N Q Q 679
Primary Space-Heating
Energy Source
Electricity ....................................... 1,258 N 222 146 891 15,996 N 2,890 2,164 10,943
Natural Gas .................................... 1,999 N 192 272 1,534 32,970 N 3,029 4,707 25,233
Fuel Oil ........................................... 282 N 42 41 199 3,818 N 565 459 2,793
District Heat ................................... 63 N Q 5 57 4,907 N Q 574 4,307
Propane ......................................... 308 N 54 33 221 1,955 N 280 203 1,473
Other .............................................. 72 N Q N 60 382 N Q N 322
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 3,982 N 523 498 2,962 60,028 N 6,850 8,107 45,071
Buildings with Cooling .................... 3,625 156 425 448 2,596 56,940 1,752 6,013 7,768 41,407
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 3,472 135 368 427 2,542 56,478 1,324 5,404 7,683 42,067
Buildings with Cooking ................... 801 37 44 99 620 22,237 511 711 3,215 17,799
Buildings with Manufacturing ........ 119 Q 24 Q 76 3,138 Q 812 Q 1,763
Buildings with Electricity
 Generation .................................... 149 Q 10 14 123 12,821 Q 576 2,102 9,957
Percent of Floorspace Cooled
Not Cooled ..................................... 1,020 507 97 49 366 7,843 3,004 836 339 3,664
1 to 50 ............................................ 985 51 373 93 469 16,598 745 5,201 1,906 8,746
51 to 99 .......................................... 629 30 17 322 260 13,211 322 300 5,399 7,189
100 ................................................. 2,011 76 35 33 1,867 27,132 684 512 463 25,472
Percent Lit When Open
Zero ............................................... 47 Q Q N Q 293 Q Q N Q
1 to 50 ............................................ 929 133 247 83 466 10,203 909 2,916 1,046 5,333
51 to 99 .......................................... 1,108 73 87 263 685 18,288 640 1,248 4,132 12,267
100 ................................................. 2,176 143 157 137 1,739 32,789 1,214 2,343 2,863 26,370
Building Never Open/
 Electricity Not Used ....................... 386 276 Q Q 68 3,210 1,767 Q Q 1,068
Heating Equipment (more
than one may apply)
Heat Pumps .................................... 476 N 37 61 378 8,814 N 670 1,497 6,647
  Packaged Heat Pumps ................. 278 N 19 33 226 5,442 N 393 825 4,224
  Split-System Heat Pumps ............. 166 N Q 22 127 2,581 N Q 426 1,877
  Individual Room Heat Pumps ........ 58 N Q 12 46 2,691 N Q 587 2,086
Furnaces ....................................... 1,864 N 240 241 1,383 19,615 N 2,852 2,597 14,165
Individual Space Heaters ............... 819 N 178 114 527 12,545 N 2,055 1,943 8,547
District Heat ................................... 65 N Q 5 58 5,166 N Q 631 4,509
Boilers ............................................ 579 N 30 77 472 20,423 N 792 3,110 16,521
Packaged Heating Units ................. 953 N 109 138 706 18,021 N 2,390 2,546 13,085
Other .............................................. 205 N 29 22 153 3,262 N 279 476 2,507
HVAC Conservation Features
(more than one may apply)
Variable Air-Volume System ......... 466 25 27 55 358 19,597 489 1,004 3,035 15,070
Economizer Cycle .......................... 508 Q 31 80 386 21,108 Q 942 3,420 16,466
HVAC Maintenance ....................... 2,581 90 234 332 1,925 51,163 1,351 4,542 6,910 38,359
Energy Management and
 Control System (EMCS) ................ 252 Q 9 33 203 15,630 Q 541 2,502 12,414
Equipment Usage Reduced
When Building Not In Full Use
(more than one may apply)a
Heating ........................................... 2,878 N 382 362 2,135 42,722 N 4,451 5,917 32,353
Cooling ........................................... 2,761 111 324 352 1,974 43,205 1,228 4,350 6,118 31,508
Lighting .......................................... 3,685 288 437 418 2,542 46,987 2,189 5,541 5,939 33,319
Office Equipment ........................... 1,504 58 186 164 1,095 19,397 759 2,244 2,118 14,277
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site -
 * Figures in this table do not include enclosed malls and strip malls. Mall buildings add an estimated 213 thousand buildings comprising 6.9 billion square feet.
a The definition for one or more of these row items has changed and may not be directly comparable with past CBECS estimates. See "Guide to the Tables" for discussion of the differences.
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample.
Notes: ● HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. ● Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.