Released: Dec 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table A5. Building Size, Number of Buildings for All Buildings (Including Malls), 2003
  Number of Buildings (thousand)
Building Size
1,001 to
5,000 Square Feet
5,001 to
10,000 Square Feet
10,000 to
25,000  Square Feet
25,001 to
50,000 Square Feet
50,001 to 100,000 Square Feet 100,001 to 200,000 Square
200,001 to 500,000 Square
Over 500,000 Square Feet
All Buildings ................................ 4,859 2,586 948 810 261 147 74 26 8
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 386 162 56 60 48 39 16 5 Q
Food Sales ..................................... 226 164 44 Q Q Q Q N N
Food Service ................................. 297 202 65 23 Q Q N Q N
Health Care .................................... 129 56 38 19 5 5 3 2 1
  Inpatient ....................................... 8 N N Q Q Q Q 2 1
  Outpatient .................................... 121 56 38 19 Q 3 Q Q N
Lodging .......................................... 142 38 21 38 23 11 7 4 Q
Mercantile ...................................... 657 275 156 155 34 21 12 2 2
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ............... 443 241 97 83 14 Q 4 Q Q
  Enclosed and Strip Malls .............. 213 Q 59 72 20 18 8 Q 2
Office ............................................. 824 503 127 116 43 17 11 5 2
Public Assembly ............................ 277 119 67 69 9 7 6 Q Q
Public Order and Safety ................ 71 37 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Religious Worship .......................... 370 152 104 83 27 Q Q Q N
Service .......................................... 622 434 100 66 17 Q Q Q Q
Warehouse and Storage ............... 597 294 110 130 27 21 8 4 Q
Other .............................................. 79 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Vacant ........................................... 182 108 Q Q 13 Q Q Q Q
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 333 177 71 55 19 7 Q Q Q
1920 to 1945 .................................. 536 315 111 67 24 9 5 4 1
1946 to 1959 .................................. 573 335 95 90 27 14 8 2 1
1960 to 1969 .................................. 600 302 124 104 36 23 8 3 Q
1970 to 1979 .................................. 784 361 193 141 51 21 12 4 1
1980 to 1989 .................................. 768 447 119 121 37 25 14 5 2
1990 to 1999 .................................. 917 483 166 167 44 33 17 4 2
2000 to 2003 .................................. 347 165 70 64 22 15 8 2 Q
Census Region and Division
Northeast ....................................... 761 374 155 138 39 31 15 6 2
  New England ............................... 252 134 49 46 10 8 3 Q Q
  Middle Atlantic .............................. 509 240 106 92 29 23 12 6 2
Midwest ......................................... 1,305 728 228 211 75 35 18 8 2
  East North Central ........................ 728 372 128 133 48 25 14 6 1
  West North Central ...................... 577 356 100 78 27 10 5 1 Q
South ............................................. 1,873 985 386 308 96 58 30 7 3
  South Atlantic .............................. 926 474 200 151 52 26 18 4 2
  East South Central ....................... 360 217 59 54 16 11 Q Q Q
  West South Central ...................... 587 294 127 103 28 21 10 3 Q
West .............................................. 920 499 179 152 50 22 10 5 2
  Mountain ...................................... 316 166 62 61 16 7 3 1 Q
  Pacific .......................................... 603 333 117 91 34 15 7 3 1
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 882 479 164 157 45 22 10 4 1
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 1,229 631 238 224 66 39 21 7 2
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 701 376 142 95 38 28 13 6 2
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 1,336 735 272 203 66 34 19 6 2
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 711 365 131 130 46 23 11 4 1
Number of Establishments
One ................................................ 3,754 2,131 720 590 163 87 43 15 3
2 to 5 .............................................. 762 338 182 140 54 29 13 5 1
6 to 10 ............................................ 117 Q Q 51 19 8 6 Q Q
11 to 20 .......................................... 47 Q N 13 12 13 5 1 Q
More than 20 .................................. 22 N Q Q Q 4 4 3 3
Currently Unoccupied .................... 157 100 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample.
Note: Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.