Released: September, 2008
Table E3A. Electricity Consumption (Btu) by End Use for All Buildings, 2003
  Total Electricity Consumption (trillion Btu)
Total   Space Heat-
Water Heat-
Office Equip-
All Buildings ......................... 3,559 167 481 436 88 1,340 24 381 69 156 418
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ......................... 392 19 44 18 11 96 7 138 8 12 39
5,001 to 10,000 ....................... 293 18 38 18 8 95 4 57 6 10 39
10,001 to 25,000 ..................... 485 26 55 52 14 184 3 57 10 20 63
25,001 to 50,000 ..................... 397 18 62 55 12 140 2 37 7 17 48
50,001 to 100,000 ................... 523 28 77 78 15 202 3 35 7 20 59
100,001 to 200,000 ................. 587 23 82 91 11 234 1 30 14 33 68
200,001 to 500,000 ................. 381 11 55 56 6 170 2 10 8 20 46
Over 500,000 .......................... 501 23 69 67 12 220 2 19 9 25 56
Principal Building Activity
Education ................................ 371 15 74 83 11 113 2 16 4 32 21
Food Sales .............................. 208 6 12 7 Q 46 2 119 2 2 10
Food Service .......................... 217 10 28 24 10 42 13 70 2 2 15
Health Care ............................. 248 6 34 42 2 105 1 8 4 10 36
  Inpatient ................................ 178 3 25 38 2 76 1 4 2 7 21
  Outpatient ............................. 69 3 9 4 (*) 28 (*) 4 2 3 15
Lodging ................................... 235 14 24 14 12 124 2 12 Q 6 24
Mercantile ............................... 733 58 109 68 38 308 2 49 8 11 83
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ........ 211 6 25 16 2 111 (*) 22 3 4 22
  Enclosed and Strip Malls ....... 523 52 84 51 36 197 2 27 5 8 61
Office ...................................... 719 33 101 63 7 281 1 35 32 74 91
Public Assembly ..................... 167 5 35 63 (*) 27 (*) 9 Q 3 23
Public Order and Safety ......... 57 2 8 10 3 18 (*) 3 1 2 10
Religious Worship ................... 62 3 11 5 (*) 17 (*) 6 (*) 1 18
Service ................................... 149 6 15 24 (*) 63 Q 9 1 3 28
Warehouse and Storage ........ 244 5 13 20 2 132 Q 36 2 5 30
Other ....................................... 133 2 16 11 Q 59 Q 10 Q 5 22
Vacant .................................... 15 1 2 1 Q 4 Q (*) Q (*) 7
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ............................ 91 2 6 11 Q 35 1 17 2 4 12
1920 to 1945 ........................... 215 4 17 30 2 92 1 26 3 8 31
1946 to 1959 ........................... 247 11 28 36 5 94 2 27 4 11 30
1960 to 1969 ........................... 359 13 47 53 7 127 1 42 7 19 43
1970 to 1979 ........................... 689 40 89 86 18 265 4 64 14 29 80
1980 to 1989 ........................... 789 42 118 82 24 298 5 74 17 39 91
1990 to 1999 ........................... 823 37 123 101 22 294 7 91 18 36 93
2000 to 2003 ........................... 347 17 54 37 7 136 3 41 4 10 38
Census Region and Division
Northeast ................................ 587 33 43 76 12 239 3 63 13 32 73
  New England ........................ 141 10 8 15 4 55 1 21 2 7 17
  Middle Atlantic ....................... 446 23 35 60 8 184 2 42 11 25 57
Midwest .................................. 799 53 57 109 15 313 5 92 16 36 103
  East North Central ................. 574 33 38 83 10 230 4 62 12 27 74
  West North Central ............... 225 20 19 26 5 83 1 30 4 9 28
South ...................................... 1,542 51 299 179 47 543 13 167 20 58 164
  South Atlantic ....................... 865 31 154 99 29 311 8 95 12 37 88
  East South Central ................ 196 9 26 25 5 72 1 25 2 6 24
  West South Central ............... 481 11 118 54 13 160 4 47 6 15 52
West ....................................... 631 29 82 72 14 245 3 59 20 30 77
  Mountain ............................... 232 13 31 27 5 94 Q 20 Q 9 27
  Pacific ................................... 399 17 51 45 9 151 2 39 14 21 50
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ............ 468 35 26 66 9 180 3 62 9 18 59
  5,500-7,000 HDD .................. 868 58 63 109 18 352 6 94 17 41 110
  4,000-5,499 HDD .................. 645 35 66 77 14 259 3 65 19 32 75
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ......... 890 26 136 108 27 330 7 101 15 35 105
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ......... 689 13 190 76 21 219 5 59 8 29 70
Number of Establishments
One ......................................... 2,138 82 272 272 43 790 19 290 42 87 242
2 to 5 ....................................... 616 27 80 74 14 245 3 55 13 26 78
6 to 10 ..................................... 229 16 30 25 9 89 1 11 4 Q 27
11 to 20 ................................... 217 16 36 25 9 82 (*) 11 3 8 27
More than 20 ........................... 350 25 63 39 13 131 1 13 7 17 39
Currently Unoccupied ............. 9 Q Q (*) Q 3 Q Q Q Q 5
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ................................ 3,559 167 481 436 88 1,340 24 381 69 156 418
Natural Gas ............................. 2,534 103 323 333 51 987 18 259 47 114 300
Fuel Oil .................................... 937 40 122 129 18 389 4 47 25 52 111
District Heat ............................ 344 5 25 70 4 150 1 12 5 29 43
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating . 3,433 167 453 425 86 1,297 23 361 68 153 402
Buildings with Cooling ............. 3,445 163 481 420 87 1,285 24 367 68 154 396
Buildings with Water Heating .. 3,379 160 458 417 88 1,262 24 362 67 152 389
Annual Consumption
10,000 or Less ....................... 13 (*) 1 1 (*) 4 (*) 2 (*) (*) 4
10,001 to 50,000 ..................... 155 8 19 10 2 55 (*) 22 3 5 29
50,001 to 100,000 ................... 187 10 23 14 4 60 1 36 4 6 28
100,001 to 500,000 ................. 812 46 94 80 23 270 11 151 15 29 94
500,001 to 1,000,000 .............. 376 17 57 49 13 134 3 45 6 14 39
1,000,001 to 5,000,000 ........... 1,137 54 162 168 29 428 5 89 19 58 125
Over 5,000,000 ....................... 880 33 124 114 17 388 3 35 22 44 99
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site -
(*)=Value rounds to zero in the units displayed.
Q=Data withheld because fewer than 20 buildings were sampled for any cell, or because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent for a cell in the "Total" column.
Note: Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A, C, and E of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.