Released: Dec 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table C34A.  Fuel Oil Consumption and Expenditure Intensities for All Buildings, 2003
  Fuel Oil Consumption Fuel Oil Expenditures
per Building (gallons) per
Square Foot
per Building (thousand dollars) per
Square Foot
Gallon (dollars)
All Buildings ................................ 3,533 0.10 3.9 0.11 1.11
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 1,177 0.41 1.4 0.48 1.18
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 2,573 0.36 3.0 0.42 1.17
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 3,045 0.19 3.6 0.23 1.18
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ 5,184 0.14 5.6 0.15 1.09
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... 8,508 0.11 9.3 0.12 1.10
100,001 to 200,000 ........................ 12,639 0.09 13.1 0.09 1.03
200,001 to 500,000 ........................ 22,181 0.08 23.4 0.08 1.05
Over 500,000 ................................. 14,248 0.02 14.7 0.02 1.03
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 12,911 0.18 13.7 0.19 1.06
Food Sales ..................................... Q Q Q Q Q
Food Service ................................. Q Q Q Q Q
Health Care .................................... 5,755 0.04 6.0 0.04 1.05
  Inpatient ....................................... 9,252 0.04 9.6 0.04 1.04
  Outpatient .................................... Q Q Q Q Q
Lodging .......................................... 9,024 0.12 9.6 0.12 1.07
Mercantile ...................................... 3,013 Q 3.3 0.10 1.08
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ............... 3,084 Q 3.2 Q 1.04
  Enclosed and Strip Malls .............. Q Q Q Q Q
Office ............................................. 1,932 0.03 2.3 0.04 1.18
Public Assembly ............................ 4,990 0.22 5.5 0.24 1.10
Public Order and Safety ................ 2,489 Q Q Q Q
Religious Worship .......................... 3,431 0.29 Q Q Q
Service .......................................... Q Q 1.8 0.27 1.17
Warehouse and Storage ............... 1,779 0.05 2.0 0.06 1.12
Other .............................................. Q Q Q Q Q
Vacant ........................................... Q Q Q Q Q
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 3,647 0.28 4.1 0.32 1.11
1920 to 1945 .................................. 7,425 0.20 8.0 0.21 1.07
1946 to 1959 .................................. 4,452 0.16 5.0 0.19 1.13
1960 to 1969 .................................. 4,345 0.16 4.8 0.17 1.10
1970 to 1979 .................................. 2,680 0.07 3.0 0.08 1.13
1980 to 1989 .................................. 1,299 0.03 1.5 0.03 1.19
1990 to 1999 .................................. 1,293 0.03 1.4 0.03 1.11
2000 to 2003 .................................. 2,128 Q 2.4 Q 1.14
Census Region and Division
Northeast ....................................... 5,021 0.20 5.5 0.22 1.10
  New England ............................... 4,288 0.30 4.8 0.33 1.11
  Middle Atlantic .............................. 5,691 0.16 6.2 0.18 1.10
Midwest ......................................... 2,248 0.06 2.3 0.06 1.04
  East North Central ........................ Q Q 1.9 0.03 0.92
  West North Central ...................... 2,437 0.10 2.7 Q 1.12
South ............................................. 1,155 0.02 1.4 0.03 1.21
  South Atlantic .............................. 1,506 0.03 1.8 0.04 1.21
  East South Central ....................... 449 0.02 Q Q Q
  West South Central ...................... 336 0.00 0.4 0.00 1.27
West .............................................. 1,714 Q Q Q 1.28
  Mountain ...................................... Q Q Q Q 1.32
  Pacific .......................................... Q 0.02 Q Q 1.25
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 3,113 0.17 3.3 0.18 1.04
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 3,226 0.11 3.8 0.13 1.16
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 6,338 0.13 7.0 0.15 1.10
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 841 0.02 1.1 0.02 1.28
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 500 0.00 0.6 0.00 1.27
Number of Establishments
One ................................................ 3,537 0.14 3.9 0.16 1.11
2 to 5 .............................................. 3,106 0.08 3.5 0.09 1.14
6 to 10 ............................................ 4,079 0.07 4.3 0.08 1.04
11 to 20 .......................................... Q 0.02 5.5 0.02 1.01
More than 20 .................................. Q Q Q Q 1.09
Currently Unoccupied .................... Q Q Q Q Q
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 3,546 0.10 3.9 0.11 1.11
Natural Gas .................................... 5,091 0.06 5.6 0.07 1.09
Fuel Oil ........................................... 3,533 0.10 3.9 0.11 1.11
District Heat ................................... 2,124 0.01 2.2 0.01 1.03
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 3,536 0.10 3.9 0.11 1.11
Buildings with Cooling .................... 4,164 0.09 4.6 0.10 1.10
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 4,028 0.10 4.4 0.11 1.10
Annual Consumption
1,000 or Less ................................ 372 0.01 0.5 0.01 1.32
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 2,267 0.10 2.8 0.13 1.24
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 6,745 0.22 8.0 0.27 1.19
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 14,804 0.22 15.7 0.24 1.06
Over 25,000 ................................... 55,107 0.36 56.6 0.37 1.03
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample that use fuel oil.
Notes: ● Statistics for the "Energy End Uses" category represent total consumption in buildings that have the end use, not consumption specifically for that particular end use. ● Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-871A, C, and E of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.