Released: Dec 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table C33A.  Total Fuel Oil Consumption and Expenditures for All Buildings, 2003
  All Buildings
Using Fuel Oil
Fuel Oil
Fuel Oil Expenditures
Number of Buildings (thousand) Floorspace (million
square feet)
per Building
square feet)
(million gallons)
All Buildings ................................
465 16,265 35 228 1,644 1,826
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 211 606 3 34 249 292
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 102 736 7 36 262 307
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 66 1,043 16 28 201 238
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ 24 895 38 17 124 134
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... 25 1,852 76 29 209 229
100,001 to 200,000 ........................ 21 3,004 140 37 270 279
200,001 to 500,000 ........................ 12 3,425 294 36 258 272
Over 500,000 ................................. 5 4,705 933 10 72 74
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 26 1,864 70 47 342 362
Food Sales ..................................... Q Q Q Q Q Q
Food Service ................................. Q Q Q Q Q Q
Health Care .................................... 13 1,882 143 11 76 79
  Inpatient ....................................... 7 1,683 240 9 65 67
  Outpatient .................................... Q Q Q Q Q Q
Lodging .......................................... 28 2,193 78 35 255 272
Mercantile ...................................... 51 1,610 31 21 155 167
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ............... 37 501 14 Q Q 117
  Enclosed and Strip Malls .............. Q Q Q Q Q Q
Office ............................................. 65 4,075 62 18 126 149
Public Assembly ............................ 42 939 23 29 208 230
Public Order and Safety ................ 23 620 27 8 57 Q
Religious Worship .......................... 38 453 12 18 130 Q
Service .......................................... 93 626 7 Q Q Q
Warehouse and Storage ............... 37 1,268 34 9 66 74
Other .............................................. Q Q Q Q Q Q
Vacant ........................................... Q Q Q Q Q Q
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 75 961 13 38 273 304
1920 to 1945 .................................. 53 2,022 38 55 396 425
1946 to 1959 .................................. 78 2,106 27 48 347 392
1960 to 1969 .................................. 63 1,751 28 Q Q Q
1970 to 1979 .................................. 61 2,389 39 23 164 185
1980 to 1989 .................................. 67 3,433 51 12 87 103
1990 to 1999 .................................. 50 2,290 45 9 65 72
2000 to 2003 .................................. 18 1,313 74 Q Q Q
Census Region and Division
Northeast ....................................... 259 6,464 25 181 1,302 1,437
  New England ............................... 124 1,781 14 74 531 592
  Middle Atlantic .............................. 135 4,682 35 107 771 845
Midwest ......................................... 76 2,909 38 24 172 178
  East North Central ........................ 35 1,871 53 Q Q Q
  West North Central ...................... 41 1,037 25 Q Q Q
South ............................................. 93 4,663 50 15 107 130
  South Atlantic .............................. 63 2,961 47 13 96 116
  East South Central ....................... 15 341 23 1 7 Q
  West South Central ...................... 15 1,361 94 1 5 6
West .............................................. 37 2,230 60 9 64 82
  Mountain ...................................... 11 655 Q Q Q Q
  Pacific .......................................... 27 1,575 59 4 29 Q
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 145 2,624 18 63 452 472
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 150 4,285 28 67 485 565
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 103 4,950 48 91 655 723
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 53 2,528 48 6 44 57
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 13 1,878 140 1 7 8
Number of Establishments
One ................................................ 373 9,213 25 183 1,318 1,466
2 to 5 .............................................. 71 2,801 39 31 221 251
6 to 10 ............................................ 12 649 55 7 48 Q
11 to 20 .......................................... 5 1,184 257 Q Q Q
More than 20 .................................. 4 2,342 570 Q Q Q
Currently Unoccupied .................... Q Q Q Q Q Q
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 463 16,250 35 228 1,642 1,824
Natural Gas .................................... 143 11,296 79 101 727 794
Fuel Oil ........................................... 465 16,265 35 228 1,644 1,826
District Heat ................................... 5 1,864 403 1 10 10
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 458 16,050 35 225 1,619 1,794
Buildings with Cooling .................... 313 14,987 48 181 1,303 1,430
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 391 15,668 40 218 1,575 1,732
Annual Consumption
1,000 or Less ................................ 263 9,047 34 14 98 129
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 142 3,083 22 45 323 399
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 31 938 30 29 210 249
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 15 991 66 31 221 235
Over 25,000 ................................... 14 2,206 153 110 792 814
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample that use fuel oil.
Notes: ● Statistics for the "Energy End Uses" category represent total consumption in buildings that have the end use, not consumption specifically for that particular end use. ● Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-871A, C, and E of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.