Released: Dec 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table C31A. Natural Gas Consumption and Conditional Energy Intensity by Building Size for All Buildings, 2003
  Total Natural Gas
(billion cubic feet)
Total Floorspace of
Buildings Using Natural Gas
(million square feet)
Natural Gas
Energy Intensity
 (cubic feet/square foot)
1,001 to 10,000 Square
10,001 to 100,000 Square Feet Over 100,000 Square Feet 1,001 to 10,000
10,001 to 100,000 Square
Over 100,000 Square
1,001 to 10,000 Square Feet 10,001 to 100,000 Square Feet Over 100,000 Square Feet
All Buildings ................................
467 882 688 7,144 21,928 19,401 65.4 40.2 35.5
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... Q 137 101 419 3,629 2,997 53.9 37.6 33.7
Food Sales ..................................... 16 Q Q 339 Q Q 46.6 Q Q
Food Service ................................. 149 48 N 774 622 N 192.5 77.2 N
Health Care .................................... 12 37 187 233 520 1,792 49.5 70.8 104.4
  Inpatient ....................................... N Q 181 N Q 1,662 N Q 109.0
  Outpatient .................................... 12 20 Q 233 377 Q 49.5 52.3 Q
Lodging .......................................... Q 83 113 Q 1,750 2,374 Q 47.6 47.4
Mercantile ...................................... 60 134 61 1,094 3,572 3,205 55.2 37.6 19.1
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ............... 38 39 12 726 1,406 734 52.7 27.7 15.7
  Enclosed and Strip Malls .............. 22 95 50 367 2,167 2,471 60.0 44.0 20.1
Office ............................................. 59 115 87 1,400 3,138 3,670 42.4 36.7 23.7
Public Assembly ............................ 19 54 26 464 1,259 1,000 41.5 42.9 Q
Public Order and Safety ................ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Religious Worship .......................... 28 49 Q 663 1,785 Q 42.7 27.7 Q
Service .......................................... 55 71 Q 783 1,394 Q 69.8 50.7 Q
Warehouse and Storage ............... 18 66 45 522 2,538 2,434 34.2 26.0 18.4
Other .............................................. Q 42 38 Q 458 681 Q 91.1 Q
Vacant ........................................... Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 32 76 31 575 1,541 658 56.3 49.2 47.1
1920 to 1945 .................................. 61 93 71 993 2,007 1,776 61.9 46.2 39.9
1946 to 1959 .................................. 49 97 70 830 2,471 1,556 59.0 39.4 44.9
1960 to 1969 .................................. 48 137 82 891 3,200 2,049 53.6 43.0 40.2
1970 to 1979 .................................. 91 144 154 1,342 3,624 3,829 67.7 39.8 40.4
1980 to 1989 .................................. 65 139 124 970 3,203 3,654 67.3 43.3 34.0
1990 to 1999 .................................. 100 140 94 1,251 4,198 3,756 80.1 33.4 25.0
2000 to 2003 .................................. 20 55 61 291 1,684 2,124 69.3 32.6 28.8
Census Region and Division
Northeast ....................................... 89 172 188 1,208 4,183 4,771 73.4 41.1 39.3
  New England ............................... Q 33 Q Q 910 Q Q 36.5 Q
  Middle Atlantic .............................. 74 139 151 945 3,273 4,083 78.5 42.4 36.9
Midwest ......................................... 155 353 220 2,151 7,072 4,922 72.1 49.9 44.7
  East North Central ........................ 118 256 176 1,484 5,038 3,834 79.2 50.8 46.0
  West North Central ...................... 37 97 44 666 2,034 1,088 56.3 47.7 40.0
South ............................................. 137 201 173 2,351 6,615 6,294 58.3 30.4 27.4
  South Atlantic .............................. 63 86 89 1,022 2,907 3,357 61.5 29.7 26.6
  East South Central ....................... 20 56 28 449 1,537 534 44.5 36.5 52.4
  West South Central ...................... 54 59 55 880 2,171 2,403 61.7 27.1 23.0
West .............................................. 86 155 108 1,435 4,057 3,415 60.2 38.3 31.6
  Mountain ...................................... 36 85 63 558 1,563 1,143 65.5 54.7 54.9
  Pacific .......................................... 50 70 45 877 2,495 2,272 56.8 28.0 19.9
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 107 223 124 1,332 4,387 2,766 80.0 50.9 44.9
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 141 313 261 2,045 6,677 5,399 68.9 46.8 48.3
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 68 157 132 1,066 3,615 4,290 63.5 43.5 30.7
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 119 139 120 2,075 5,400 4,321 57.4 25.7 27.7
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 33 50 51 625 1,848 2,625 52.4 27.0 19.6
Number of Establishments
One ................................................ 384 604 430 5,549 14,298 10,672 69.2 42.2 40.3
2 to 5 .............................................. 71 168 109 1,349 4,576 2,790 52.6 36.7 39.2
6 to 10 ............................................ Q 60 23 Q 1,411 836 Q 42.9 27.9
11 to 20 .......................................... N 32 35 N 972 1,251 N 33.2 27.9
More than 20 .................................. Q Q 82 Q Q 3,416 Q Q 23.9
Currently Unoccupied .................... Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 467 882 688 7,142 21,928 19,396 65.4 40.2 35.5
Natural Gas .................................... 467 882 688 7,144 21,928 19,401 65.4 40.2 35.5
Fuel Oil ........................................... Q 102 394 Q 2,243 8,778 Q 45.6 44.9
District Heat ................................... Q Q 41 Q Q 2,088 Q Q 19.4
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 452 876 686 6,984 21,670 19,150 64.7 40.4 35.8
Buildings with Cooling .................... 421 838 668 6,439 20,485 18,932 65.4 40.9 35.3
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 443 849 682 6,315 20,557 19,013 70.2 41.3 35.9
Annual Consumption
(hundred cubic feet)
1,000 or Less ................................ 33 3 Q 2,102 1,299 997 15.7 2.1 0.2
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 178 78 2 3,754 5,464 1,166 47.3 14.3 1.3
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 115 146 5 783 4,848 1,317 146.5 30.1 3.7
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 97 275 18 407 5,980 2,217 237.4 46.0 8.3
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ Q 217 62 Q 3,180 3,522 Q 68.3 17.5
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... N 118 117 N 962 3,753 N 122.4 31.1
Over 100,000 ................................. N Q 485 N Q 6,429 N Q 75.4
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample that use natural gas.
Notes: ● Statistics for the "Energy End Uses" category represent total consumption in buildings that have the end use, not consumption specifically for that particular end use. ● HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. ● Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-871A, C, and E of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.