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Burrell Disposal Cell Site

Burrell Disposal Cell Site  (Preliminary)
Indiana County, Pennsylvania

Years of Operation Status of Site Uranium Ore
(Million Short Tons)
(Million Pounds U3O8)
A Closed A A
Mill/Plant Area
Disposal Cell
Disposal Cell
(Million Cubic Yards)
Disposal Cell
Total Radioactivity
(Ci, 226Ra)
Disposal Cell
Average Tailings
(pCi/g, 226Ra)
UMTRA Project
Final Cost
(Million Dollars)
69 4 0.07 4 70 B
   A The Burrell Site was a vicinity property to the Canonsburg Mill Site. No uranium- and radium-bearing materials were processed at the Burrell Site.
   BIncluded under the UMTRA Project Final Cost for the Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, Mill Site.
   Notes:  Radioactivity from radium-226 in the stabilized mill tailings is stated as total curies (Ci) and as average picocuries per gram (pCi/g) of tailings. A picocurie is 0.037 radioactive disintegrations per second. Radium-226 (1620 year half-life) is a decay product in the uranium-238 series. It undergoes radioactive decay to produce radon-222, which is a noble gas, an alpha emitter, and the longest-lived isotope of radon (half-life of 3.8 days).

Map of Pennsylvania showing the location of the Burrell Disposal Cell Site. Having trouble? Call 202 586-8800 for help.



UMTRA Surface Remediation:   

Disposal Area:   

Responsibility for Remediation:   

Stewardship:  U.S. Department of Energy, Report to Congress on Long-Term Stewardship, “Pennsylvania,” Release No. R-01-025, Date January 19, 2001.

Groundwater Program: U.S. Department of Energy, Report to Congress on Long-Term Stewardship, “Pennsylvania,” Release No. R-01-025, Date January 19, 2001  

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