Winter Fuels Outlook

Jay Hakes, Administrator, Energy Information Administration (EIA)

EIA/NASEO Winter Fuels Conference


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Table of Contents

Winter Fuels Outlook

EIA on the World Wide Web

This Winter Compared to Last

Heating Fuel Stock Cycles

U.S. Distillate Stocks

Retail Heating Oil Prices Should Be Lower This Year

Heating Degree-Days

Normal Weather Will Bring Higher Demand

Distillate Production

Net Imports

Heating Oil Futures Prices

U.S. Crude Oil Prices

World Petroleum Balance

Consumer Winter Heating Oil Costs

U.S. Propane Stocks

Residential Propane Prices

Consumer Winter Propane Costs

Underground Storage

Natural Gas Wellhead Prices

Natural Gas Demand

Residential Demand Growth

Natural Gas Supply

Natural Gas Price Volatility

Spot Market and Residential Prices

Price: Residential Expenditures

Household Gas Heating Costs


Author: Dave Costello


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