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Conference Papers
  Page Last Modified: September 2007


The Growth in Electricity Demand in U.S. Households, 1981-2001: Implications for Carbon Emissions
Presented at the 25th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics, affiliated with the International Association for Energy Economics, September 18, 2005

Two Decades of U.S. Household Trends in Energy-Intensity Indicators: A Look at the Underlying Factors
Presented at the 28th Annual International Association for Energy Economics, International Conference, affiliated with the United States Association for Energy Economics , June 3, 2005

Trends in the Use of Natural Gas in U.S. Households, 1987 to 2001
Presented at the 24th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics, affiliated with the International Association for Energy Economics, July 8, 2004

Trends in Building-Related Energy and Carbon Emissions: Actual and Alternate Scenarios
Presented at the Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings sponsored by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, August 21, 2000

Electricity Generation in the Manufacturing Sector: A Historical Perspective
Presented at the  20th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics, affiliated with the International Association for Energy Economics, September 1, 1999

Production, Energy, and Carbon Emissions: A Data Profile of the Iron and Steel Industry
Presented at the 1999 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, June 1999 

United States Energy Usage and Efficiency: Measuring Changes Over Time
Presented at the 17th Congress of the World Energy Council, Houston Texas, September 14, 1998

Developing Energy Indicators in the U.S.: The EIA Experience
Presented at the 18th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics, affiliated with the International Association for Energy Economics, September 7, 1997

Energy Information Administration Energy-Efficiency Workshop Summary Papers
Residential Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop (February 13, 1996)

Commercial Buildings Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop (February 14, 1996)

Transportation Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop (March 21, 1996)

Industrial Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop (March 5, 1996)

U.S. Economy Energy-Efficiency Workshop (March 21, 1996)

Following the October 1995 publication of the Energy Consumption Series, Measuring Energy Efficiency in the United States’ Economy: A Beginning, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) held a series of workshops for each end-use sector of the economy.  The purpose of these workshops was to involve sector experts in the process of defining energy-efficiency measurement issues and the appropriate role for EIA in the measurement of energy efficiency. The five one-day workshops were held in Washington, D.C.

Over 120 experts, representing federal agencies, industry, associations, academia, and energy-efficiency advocacy groups, attended the workshops. The participants, included engineers, economists, planners, and policy analysts, representing broad concerns as well as varied experience in the analysis of energy efficiency. The discussions generated diverse suggestions and conclusions.


Specific questions on this topic may be directed to:
Stephanie Battles
(Phone: (202) 586-7237)
FAX: (202) 586-0018