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Demand-Side Management Program Annual Effects by Sector
Table 9.4.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 9.4.  Demand-Side Management Program Annual Effects by Sector, 1995 through 2006
Item 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
Actual Peak Load Reductions (MW)
Large Utilities
Residential 10,730 9,432 8,870 9,431 9,137 9,619 9,446 9,976 9,327 10,799 11,471 10,930
Commercial 7,779 7,926 7,194 6,774 6,839 8,210 6,987 7,777 9,482 8,174 8,678 8,057
Industrial 8,692 8,343 7,454 6,594 6,500 6,553 6,141 6,360 7,927 5,812 9,083 10,033
Transportation 39 9 14 105 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Other NA NA NA NA 460 573 327 2,342 495 498 661 545
Total 27,240 25,710 23,532 22,904 22,936 24,955 22,901 26,455 27,231 25,284 29,893 29,561
Potential Peak Load Reductions (MW)
Large Utilities
Residential 13,040 12,097 11,967 12,525 12,072 12,274 12,970 12,812 13,022 16,662 14,697 14,047
Commercial 10,006 10,214 9,624 8,943 9,298 10,469 9,114 8,868 12,210 12,896 12,452 11,495
Industrial 14,119 14,260 13,665 17,298 18,321 17,344 18,775 17,237 15,512 11,035 20,275 20,715
Transportation 64 62 14 105 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Other NA NA NA NA 617 670 510 4,653 686 644 921 772
Total 37,229 36,633 35,270 38,871 40,308 40,757 41,369 43,570 41,430 41,237 48,344 47,029
Energy Savings (Thousand MWh)
Large Utilities
Residential 21,437 19,255 17,763 13,469 15,438 16,027 16,287 16,263 16,564 17,830 20,585 20,253
Commercial 28,982 28,416 24,624 25,089 24,391 24,217 25,660 23,375 25,125 27,898 29,186 26,187
Industrial 13,348 12,178 12,273 11,156 11,339 10,487 9,160 8,156 3,347 8,684 10,493 9,620
Transportation 50 48 51 551 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Other NA NA NA NA 2,907 3,206 2,593 2,770 831 1,694 1,578 1,360
Total 63,817 59,897 54,710 50,265 54,075 53,936 53,701 50,563 49,167 56,406 61,842 57,421
  NA = Not available. 
  Notes: See Technical Notes for the Demand-Side Management definitions located within the Form EIA-861 section. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. 
  Source:  Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."

More Tables on Demand-Side Management:
Table 9.1.  Demand-Side Management Actual Peak Load Reductions by Program Category html pdf xls
Table 9.2.  Demand-Side Management Program Annual Effects by Program Category html pdf xls
Table 9.3.  Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Program Category html pdf xls
Table 9.5. Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Sector html pdf xls
Table 9.6. Demand-Side Management Program Energy Savings html pdf xls
Table 9.7. Demand-Side Management Program Direct and Indirect html pdf xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics