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Clean Air Act Database Browser

Clean Air Act Database Browser

The Clean Air Act Database is a Microsoft Access application that provides the user with a series of data files that display information about electricity generators that must comply with the sulfur dioxide provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Users will be able to query the data, create custom reports, and save the data into various output types such as an MSExcel spreadsheet. Information that can be found here includes: compliance strategies, details of fuel shifts, flue gas desulfurization information, sulfur dioxide emissions information, and allowance allocations. Data are obtained from FERC Form 423 (Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants), Form EIA-767 (Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report), the Acid Rain Database, and the Environmental Protection Agency's TRAC system (now defunct).

This application is being made available as a compressed, self-extracting executable file (CLEANAIR.EXE). When expanded, the application's components will occupy 3.65 MB of hard disk space. Download CLEANAIR.EXE to your hard drive in the directory you normally use for downloading, a directory of your choice, or a directory you create at this time e.g., c:\temp, or c:\download. (You may find it helpful to print these download/install instructions prior to beginning the procedure.)

Once the file is downloaded:

  • From Windows Explorer in Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP, or ME, or from Windows 3.x "File Manager," go to the directory where you downloaded CLEANAIR.EXE, double click on the file name (CLEANAIR.EXE) to expand the self-extracting executable file.

  • Once the executable has been expanded, click on the Clnair97.mdb(database). The database will open in either MSAccess 2.0 or MSAccess97. You may have to open your Microsoft Access in order to open the database if the mdb does not open the software automatically when clicked on in your Windows Explorer or File Manager.

  • Users can view the database files without the system screens by holding down the "shift" key when opening the .mdb in MSAccess.
File Size: 1.58 meg

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