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Short-Term Energy Outlook Query System

Monthly Coal Data

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Prices\ Macroeconomic
    CLEUDUS Cost of Coal to electric Utilities
    CLMRHUS Coal miner productivity in tons/hour
    CLTCPUS Total Coal Demand
    CLEPCON Electric Power Sector Coal Consumption
    CLKCPUS Coking coal demand
    CLZCPUS Retail general industry coal demand
    CLYCPUS Other industrial coal demand
    CLHCPUS Residential and commercial coal demand
    CLCCPUS Coal demand: commercial Sector
    CLRCPUS Coal demand: residential sector
    CCTCPUS Demand for coal coke
    CLPRPUS Coal Production
    CLPRPAR Coal Production Appalachian Region
    CLPRPIR Coal Production Interior Region
    CLPRPWR Coal Production Western Region
    CLPRPEM Coal Production East of Mississippi River
    CLPRPWM Coal Production West of Mississippi River
    CLIMPUS Imports of Coal
    CLEXPUS Exports of Coal
    CLWCPUS Waste Coal supplied for consumption
    CLSDPUS Stocks of Coal at producers & distributors
    CLSTPUS Total secondary coal stocks
    CLPS_EP Electric Power Sector Stocks of Coal
    CLSKPUS Coke plant coal stocks
    CLSOPUS Retail & General industry coal stocks
    CLAJPUS Coal supply-demand imbalance
    CCPRPUS Production of coal coke
    CCNIPUS Net imports of coal coke
    CCSDPUS Coal coke producer stocks