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Cogeneration Technologies | Generic Technologies

The production of molten steel mainly involves process heating operations that consume large amounts of fossil fuels (integrated steelmaking) and electricity (electric arc furnace steelmaking). Process heating accounts for more than 80% of the industry's total energy use. Forming processes use mainly electricity to drive casting machines, rolling mills, and other forming and finishing equipment. [DOE 1999]

Industry-Specific Technologies

Unit Operation Purpose Major Technologies
Process Heating Drive chemical reactions, melt scrap, reheat steel prior to processing Cokemaking, blast furnace ironmaking, BOF steelmaking, EAF steelmaking, reheating, argon oxygen decarburization
Forming Shape steel into forms and semi-finished products and products Casting, hot and cold rolling, extrusion, drawing, finishing, cutting

Cogeneration Technologies
Several large steel industry cogeneration projects have become operational in recent years

Generic Technologies
Half of steel industry facilities report using adjustable speed motors to increase efficiency

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