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Forecasting & Analysis Contacts
Short-Term (STEO) Energy Forecast Experts
Long-Term (AEO) Energy Forecast Experts
International (IEO) Energy Forecast Experts
Renewable Energy Forecast Experts

Short-Term (STEO) Analysis and Forecasting Experts

Short-Term Energy Outlook
Tancred Lidderdale - 202-586-7321 - tancred.lidderdale@eia.doe.gov
World Oil Price
Erik Kreil - 202-586-6573 - erik.kreil@eia.doe.gov
Energy Fuel Price
Neil Gamson - 202-586-2418 - neil.gamson@eia.doe.gov
Petroleum Markets
Michael Morris - 202-586-1199 - michael.morris@eia.doe.gov
Petroleum Supply
Tancred Lidderdale - 202-586-7321 - tancred.lidderdale@eia.doe.gov
Natural Gas Markets
Kobi Platt - 202-586-1011 - kobi.platt@eia.doe.gov
Coal Markets
Elias Johnson - 202-586-7277 - elias.johnson@eia.doe.gov
Tyler Hodge - 202-586-0442 - tyler.hodge@eia.doe.gov
Tancred Lidderdale - 202-586-7321 - tancred.lidderdale@eia.doe.gov
Macroeconomic Projections
Kay Smith - 202-586-1132 - kay.smith@eia.doe.gov
Domestic Crude Oil Production
John H. Wood - 214-720-6160 - john.wood@eia.doe.gov
Coal Production, Imports and Exports
Frederick Freme - 202-287-1740 - frederick.freme@eia.doe.gov
Hydroelectric Generation and Electricity Imports
Mark Gielecki - 202-287-1729 - mark.gielecki@eia.doe.gov
Nuclear Energy
Thomas Murphy - 202-586-1517 - thomas.murphy@eia.doe.gov

Long-term (AEO) Forecasts & Analysis Experts

Fax: (202) 586-3045
Annual Energy Outlook
John J. Conti - 202-586-2222 - john.conti@eia.doe.gov
Paul Holtberg - 202-586-1284 - paul.holtberg@eia.doe.gov
Andy S. Kydes - 202-586-2222 - andy.kydes@eia.doe.gov

Coal Production/Minemouth Prices

Michael Mellish - 202-586-2136 - michael.mellish@eia.doe.gov

Coal Distribution/End-use Prices

Diane Kearney - 202-586-2415 - diane.kearney@eia.doe.gov
Coal Exports
Michael Mellish - 202-586-2136 - michael.mellish@eia.doe.gov
Commercial Demand
Erin Boedecker - 202-586-4791 - erin.boedecker@eia.doe.gov
Crude Oil Supply
Dana Van-Wagener - 202-586-4725 - dana.van-wagener@eia.doe.gov
Electricity Generation and Cost
Laura Martin - 202-586-1494 - laura.martin@eia.doe.gov
Ethanol and Biodiesel
Anthony Radich - 202-586-0504 - anthony.radich@eia.doe.gov
Liquefied Natural Gas Markets
Phyllis Martin - 202-586-9592 - phyllis.martin@eia.doe.gov
Macroeconomic Analysis
Kay Smith - 202-586-1132 - kay.smith@eia.doe.gov
National Energy Modeling System
Andy Kydes - 202-586-2222 - andy.kydes@eia.doe.gov
Daniel Skelly - 202-586-1722 - daniel.skelly@eia.doe.gov
Natural Gas Supply
Dana Van-Wagener - 202-586-4725 - dana.van-wagener@eia.doe.gov
Natural Gas Markets
Joseph Benneche - 202-586-6132 - joseph.benneche@eia.doe.gov
Nuclear Energy

Robert T. Eynon - 202-586-2392 - robert.eynon@eia.doe.gov
James Hewlett - 202-586-9536 - james.hewlett@eia.doe.gov

Petroleum Product Markets
William Brown - 202-586-8181 - william.brown@eia.doe.gov
Renewable Energy
Chris Namovicz - 202-586-7120 - christopher.namovicz@eia.doe.gov
Residential Demand
John Cymbalsky - 202-586-4815 - john.cymbalsky@eia.doe.gov

Technology Learning

Andy Kydes - 202-586-2222 - andy.kydes@eia.doe.gov

James Hewlett - 202-586-9536 - james.hewlett@eia.doe.gov

Transportation Demand
John Maples - 202-586-1757 - john.maples@eia.doe.gov
World Oil Prices
Lauren Mayne - 202-586-3005 - lauren.mayne@eia.doe.gov

International (IEO) Forecasting Experts

Fax: (202) 586-3045
International Energy Outlook
Glen Sweetnam - 202-586-2188 - glen.sweetnam@eia.doe.gov
Linda Doman - 202-586-1041 - linda.doman@eia.doe.gov
Carbon Dioxide
Perry Lindstrom - 202-586-0934 - perry.lindstrom@eia.doe.gov
Michael Mellish - 202-586-2136 - michael.mellish@eia.doe.gov
Diane Kearney - 202-586-2415 - diane.kearney@eia.doe.gov
Commerical Energy Use
Erin Boedecker - 202-586-4791 - erin.boedecker@eia.doe.gov
Linda Doman - 202-586-1041 - linda.doman@eia.doe.gov
Randal Cook - 202-586-1395 - randal.cook@eia.doe.gov
Industrial Energy Use
John Holte - 202-586-7818 - john.holte@eia.doe.gov
Macroeconomic Assumptions
Nasir Khilji - 202-586-1294 - nasir.khilji@eia.doe.gov
Natural Gas
Justine Barden - 202-586-3508 - justine.barden@eia.doe.gov
Phyllis Martin - 202-586-9592 - phyllis.martin@eia.doe.gov
Residential Energy Use
John Cymbalsky - 202-586-4815 - john.cymbalsky@eia.doe.gov
Transportation Energy Use
Barry Kapilow-Cohen - 202-586-5359 - barry.kapilow-cohen@eia.doe.gov
World Oil Markets
John Staub - 202-586-6344 - john.staub@eia.doe.gov
Lauren Mayne - 202-586-3005 - lauren.mayne@eia.doe.gov

Renewable Energy Forecasting Experts

Fax: (202) 586-3045
Alternative Fueled-Vehicles
John Maples - 202-586-1757 - john.maples@eia.doe.gov
BioFuels Demand
Anthony Radich - 202-586-0504 - anthony.radich@eia.doe.gov
Bob Smith - 202-586-9413 - robert.smith@eia.doe.gov
Conventional Hydroelectric
Chris Namovicz - 202-586-7120 - christopher.namovicz@eia.doe.gov
Bob Smith - 202-586-9413 - robert.smith@eia.doe.gov
Linda Doman - 202-586-1041 - linda.doman@eia.doe.gov
Municipal Solid Waste/Landfill Gas
Bob Smith - 202-586-9413 - robert.smith@eia.doe.gov
Renewable Resources Assessment
Chris Namovicz - 202-586-7120 - christopher.namovicz@eia.doe.gov
Solar - Central Station
Chris Namovicz - 202-586-7120 - christopher.namovicz@eia.doe.gov
Solar - Distributed
Erin Boedecker - 202-586-4791 - erin.boedecker@eia.doe.gov
Chris Namovicz - 202-586-7120 - christopher.namovicz@eia.doe.gov
Energy Information Administration
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585

National Energy Information Center
(general energy information)
(202) 586-8800

Technical Information
(202) 586-8959



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