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The Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program is the nation’s largest residential energy efficiency program. Trained inspectors and crews with state-of-the-art equipment aim to reduce the cost of energy for low-income families.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information on the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Households at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level that have not received weatherization assistance on or after Sept. 30, 1993, are eligible for weatherization services.

Families with children, the elderly and the disabled are the focus of the Weatherization Program.


The Effect of Energy Efficiency on Customers

  • Reduces energy costs on the average of $300 yearly
  • Safer and more comfortable homes
  • Knowledge of energy efficiency practices
  • Self-sufficiency
What You Will Need To Apply
What the Weatherization Program Does and Does Not Do
Trained Evaluators and Home Inspections

In Kentucky, trained evaluators and staff do the following:

  • Educate customers in safety and energy efficiency.
  • Evaluate single-family and multifamily dwellings and mobile homes for safety and energy efficiency.
  • Use the latest technological to determine cost effective methods to make customers' homes safer and energy efficient.

Home inspections include the following:

  • Testing for gas leaks, carbon monoxide and other health and safety issues.
  • Checking combustible appliances such as stoves, furnaces and water heaters.
  • Tuning, repairing, or replacing heating equipment (furnaces and water- heaters).
  • Sealing air infiltration units, installing insulation, adding ventilation, repairing or replacing chimneys.
  • Installing fire and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Bringing homes up to federal, state and local codes.
Weatherization Facts
  • Low-income households spend nearly 14 percent of their total annual income on energy. Other households spend only an average of 3.5 percent of their annual income on energy. Low-income families often cut back on other necessities to pay their energy bills. Though over 5.5 million households have received Weatherization services since the inception of the program in 1976, nearly 28 million households are currently eligible for services. (Source: www.waptac.org)
  • More than 90 percent of low-income households have annual incomes less than $15,000
  • Two-thirds have annual incomes under $8,000.
  • The average annual energy expenditure for low-income households is $1,102.
  • 49 percent of low-income households are occupied by persons with disabilities or elderly residents. (Source: D.O.E. Southeast Region)
Mission and Goal

The mission of the Kentucky Weatherization Assistance Program is to improve energy efficiency, household safety and to educate the public about maintaining energy efficiency. The program's focus is on low-income families and children, the elderly and the disabled.

The goal of the Weatherization Program is to keep Kentuckians warm in the winter, cool in the summer and safe all year long.


Last Updated 10/29/2008
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