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Industry Analysis Briefs

Aluminum Industry Index Analysis Brief Page Button
Chemical Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button
Forest Products Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button
Glass Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button
Metalcasting Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button
Petroleum  Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button
Steel Industry Analysis Brief Index Page Button


Among the most energy-intensive industries in the United States are those that manufacture aluminum, chemicals, forest products (such as paper and wood products), glass, metalcasting, petroleum and coal products, and steel.  To summarize the available energy data and economic information, an Industry Analysis Brief has been prepared for each of these industries, with the following contents:

  • Introduction
    • Industry SICs (Standard Industrial Classifications)
  • Economic Profile and Trends
    • Value of Shipments
    • Annual Production
    • Labor Productivity
  • Energy Use
    • Energy Use by Fuel
    • Fuel Consumption by End Use
    • Energy Consumption by Sector
    • Energy Expenditures
    • Onsite Generation (if applicable)
    • Energy Intensity
  • State-Level Information
  • Technologies and Equipment
    • Cogeneration Technologies (if applicable)
    • Generic Technologies
  • Energy-Management Activities
  • Sources (outside sources used in the report)

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File Last Modified: 08/31/2000

Robert Adler
Survey Manager
Phone: (202) 586-1134
Fax: (202) 586-0018

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