Risk of Infrastructure Failure in the Natural Gas Industry


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Table of Contents

Risk of Infrastructure Failure in the Natural Gas Industry

Scope of Presentation

Mission Statement

EIA Web and Natural Gas Products Links

Natural Gas Supply and Disposition, 1998

Market Trends

Outlook for the Short-Term

Major Natural Gas Producing Basins and Associated Transportation Corridors

Estimated 2000 Interregional Pipeline Capacity and 1999 Average Flows

Infrastructure Failure - Data

Infrastructure Failure - Types and Frequency

El Paso Disruption August 19, 2000

The Lower 48 Pipeline System in DELIVER

Stylized State Node in DELIVER

A major pipeline disruption leads to re-direction of pipeline flows and some delivery curtailments

In Summary: Risk of Infrastructure Failure in the Natural Gas Industry

Supplemental: Why Have Natural Gas Prices Surged in 2000?

Author: Aileen Alex

E-mail: aileen.alex@eia.doe.gov

Home Page: www.eia.doe.gov

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