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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program  (Technical Assistance)

Technical Assistance: General Guidance, Project-Specific Guidance, Reporting Tools, and Emission Factors

General Guidance

General Guidelines for participating in the Voluntary Reporting Program

Instructions for Form EIA-1605 (PDF - 274KB)

Emissions Factors and GWPs

Fuel Emission Factors

Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming Potentials (GWP)

Domestic and Foreign Electricity Emissions Factors

Domestic Electricity Emission Factors by Region, 1999-2002
Domestic Electricity Emission Factors by Region, 1991-1994
International Electricity Emission Factors by Country, 1999-2002
International Electricity Emission Factors by Country, 1991-1994

The Domestic and Foreign Electricity Emission Factors are also available as a PDF

EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors AP-42 Volume 1 stationary point and area sources
AP-42 Volume 2 mobile sources

Global Warming Potentials: 1996 and 2001 GWPs for the most common greenhouse gases

Project-Specific Guidance

Project-Specific Guidance in Sector-Specific Issues and Reporting Methodologies Supporting the General Guidelines for the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992

Recycling Projects

MS Excel recycling spreadsheet to assist in calculating emissions and reductions from recycling and source reduction.
PDF version
EPA's Waste Reduction Model (WARM) is a Excel spreadsheet model customized for Voluntary Reporters that allows users to compare the GHG consequences of various solid waste management options including landfilling, recycling, source reduction, composting and waste-to-energy. (Version 4 Posted 5/12/05)
WARM Companion, a spreadsheet that is used to convert the emissions rate outputs of WARM into annual emission reductions. (Posted 5/12/05)

Sequestration Projects:

Urban Sequestration:

MS Excel sequestration spreadsheet. To assist in calculations of sequestration by trees planted in urban and suburban settings.
PDF version

Sequestration from Forestry:

Guidance for reporting sequestration from forestry activities.
An MS Excel Reforestation Workbook can be used to automate the process of estimating carbon sequestration achieved by planting trees over large areas.

LFG Projects: The December 1999 newsletter offers some discussion of reporting landfill gas projects.