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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program  (How to Report: Getting Started)

All Reporters

Decide what data you wish to report Begin data collection Estimate the emission reduction or sequestration for your project or entity. Determine which form (Long or EZ) to use, which type of form (paper, electronic, or web if using the EZ form) and what parts of the form to fill out. First time reporters fill out the form and submit as described below Repeat Reporters Filing Elelctronically

Obtain you most recent report from the *.ghg files on our FTP site. Import file into the current reporting software and update the year field. Update old report with new data and submit as a new report as described below. Repeat Reporters Filing On Paper

Obtain a printout of your latest submitted report from EIA Write in the new data and make any changes to the previous years' data Submit as described below

Submitting Completed Reports

Electronic reports may be submitted as an attachment to an email sent to infoghg@eia.doe.gov.

Paper forms may be mailed to:

Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program
Energy Information Administration, EI-81
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585

Paper reports may be faxed to (202) 586-3045

You may also subit your submit your report using a secure communication protocol that is designed to transfer encrypted information between computers over the World Wide Web. The Web site for the secure transfer is https://idc.eia.doe.gov/upload/notice1605.jsp

All reports on Form EIA-1605 or Form EIA-1605EZ must be accompanied by a certification statement signed by an authorized representative of the reporting entity.

All reports recieved into the program by the reporting cycle's deadline of June 1, 2006 will be included in the next annual update of the Public Use Database