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Dynegy, LS Power agree to dissolve merchant power joint venture
Independent power producer Dynegy on Friday said it has reached an agreement with LS Power dissolving a 2006 joint venture designed to develop merchant generating capacity. Houston-based Dynegy said...More...
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Carmaking collapse cuts commodities consumption
US carmaking collapse The US federal government is apparently poised to help troubled US carmakers with a $13.4 billion infusion, but it remains to be seen if such assistance can stall the destruction of demand for the major materials and commodities that go into the typical North American light vehicle.
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Platts Oilgram NewsRussia, Serbia sign wide-ranging energy deal
Russia and Serbia signed December 24 a wide-ranging energy deal that includes the acquisition of Serbia's state-owned oil and gas company NIS by Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of state-controlled Russian gas giant Gazprom.

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