
Latest DTN Ethanol News

Poet Donates Emergency Equipment to South Dakota County
Sioux Falls, S.D.-based ethanol producer Poet donated a response trailer with an estimated value of $20,000 to Lincoln County Emergency Management, according to a news release from the company, to assist emergency personnel in battling hazardous waste spills.

CME Group Plans Three Rotterdam Biofuel Swaps Contracts

EU Duties Weigh on US Biodiesel

Bid for E15 Waiver Meets Resistance

Encore Energy Systems Targets Biodiesel Production Plants

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March 12, 2009
Ethanol Plant Critic Says Eyota Township 'Ignoring Will' of Residents
South Dakota Governor Signs Ethanol tax Bill
New Study Shows Continued Gains in Ethanol Efficiency
Seminar to Offer Virtual Tour of Corn Ethanol Plant Friday
Berkeley Agrofuel Research Hits Temporary Roadblocks
Honda to Sell World's First Motorcycle to use Ethanol Mix
Northeast Biofuels Could Sell New York Plant
Sagging Ethanol Prices to Firm as Producer Shakeout Continues
Obama Backs Corn Ethanol, Urges Biofuels Variety

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