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Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

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Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

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Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

Current News
Program Information

The UIC program was enacted in 1974, under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and is administered under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 144-146. In 1984 the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) was delegated primacy by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and re-authorized in 1991. DEQ regulates this program under the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, Division 44

Injection systems are any man-made design, structure or activity which discharges below the ground or subsurface. Common uses include: stormwater discharge, industrial/commercial and process waste water disposal, large domestic onsite systems and cesspools, sewage drill holes, aquifer remediation systems, motor vehicle waste disposal, agricultural drainage, geothermal systems and aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). Common designs include drywells, trench drains, sumps, perforated piping, floor drains, drainfields and drill holes.

The intent of the program is to protect groundwater resources, primarily used for drinking water, from contamination. All groundwater aquifers in Oregon are considered suitable as drinking water. The program is implemented from headquarters and serves the entire state. There are numerous federal classes and types of injection systems. All classes and types are required to be registered with DEQ and approved either through rule authorization (in lieu of a permit), under a state permit or closed.

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For more information about DEQ's Underground Injection Control Program contact Barbara Priest by phone at (503) 229-5945 or by e-mail.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

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