Welcome to the California Energy Commission

Reports, Publications, Papers, and Presentations of the California Energy Commission

The California Energy Commission publishes between 250 and 500 reports, papers, fact sheets, technical briefs, and other publications each year. This database will help you to locate reports that are available to download from our website. All reports since 2005 are available. Reports published from December 1994 (when our website went on line) and 2005 are mostly available on line as well and can be searched through this database. For documents published prior to 1994, please check with the Energy Commission's library.

Please note that our database is updated each Friday.
So, reports that have gone on line during the week may not be listed until Friday.

Note: Draft or preliminary reports and documents or presentations associated with workshops and meetings are usually only available from a proceedings' documents page. Please see our list of various proceedings.


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Click here for a list of all reports and other publications that have gone online in last 30 days.

NOTE: Energy Commission documents and reports can be viewed at state depository libraries located around the state. Under the provisions of the Library Distribution Act (Government Code sections 14905, 14906, and 14907), the depository libraries have contracted with the Department of General Services to serve as complete or selective depositories of all state agencies' documents.

For printed copies of Energy Commission reports, please contact:
California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth Street, MS-13
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-654-5200