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Why do we kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Is everybody ready to ring in 2009? New Year’s Eve is upon us… In fact, some parts of the world are getting a head start and already discovering... read more

Your own NYTimes cheat sheet, courtesy of

Are you one of those folks who boasts about your online membership to the New York Times in order to look smart? Yet you have no idea what half the words... read more

Fun, farms and friendships: Part II.

Picking up where we left off last week: After getting to know a bit more about Jadeacres, it’s time to learn more about his partner-in-WikiCrime... read more

Read the blog

A: 41 years, 8 months. For the distance to travel, we'll use a very accurate calculation of 24,901.55 miles as the Earth's circumference at the equator. We'll have to make a few assumptions to work the problem. 1. The "web" we're talking about will be a single, long strand. 2. Our spider can spin a strand of silk at the rate of 6 feet per minute. Many female spiders can spin that fast. 3. Our spider does not need to stop for eating, sleeping, or any other reason...     More

Friday, January 02, 2009
A Spider's Web
A Spider's Web
Spotlight: Spider webs: they can be a work of art, sparkling with the morning dew. But you wouldn't want to walk into one in a dark room. The silky thread thrown out from the spider's spinnerets is stronger than the same weight of steel, and far more flexible. Though most webs are relatively small, some spiders have been known to spin their webs near each other, with the webs joining. In 2007, a web found in Texas' Lake Tawakoni State Park measured 200 yards (180 m) across. Last month, scientists confirmed that threads found embedded in a prehistoric piece of amber were part of a 140,000,000-year-old spider web. According to an Oxford University paleobiologist, this proves that arachnids had been ensnaring their prey in silky nets since the dinosaur age.

Quote: "The difference between utility and utility plus beauty is the difference between telephone wires and the spider web." Edwin Way Teale
A Castle in Granada, Spain
A Castle in Granada, Spain

Today in History:

Christy Turlington
Christy Turlington

Today's Birthdays:

Fun, farms and friendships: Part II.

Picking up where we left off last week: After getting to know a bit more about Jadeacres, it’s time to learn more about his partner-in-WikiCrime and that would be… ThatwouldBme (or Shell)... Click here to read more

What's New: In the Community...

A year of answers highlighted in the 2008 Year in Review.

December 23rd, 2008 . by Liz

Celebrity babies, a snowy Baghdad, Sarah Palin, Sex and the City: it’s been a weird, wonderful and at times, worrying, year. But as it comes to an end we can sit back and review what happened throughout 2008.

With the combined efforts of and WikiAnswers content, the 2008 Year in Review has been officially released. If you remember last year’s edition, it covered the questions asked and answered throughout 2007.

This year, there’s a nice new twist: the 2008 Year in Review includes related reference topics and featured spotlights from each month, along with the list of Q&A.

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