NARCU Logo National Associations of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Lines


NARUC represents the interests of State public utility commissions before the three branches of the Federal government and the Independent Federal agencies. NARUC provides Members of Congress and their staff with:
  • Association's position on issues being debated in the House or Senate
  • Witnesses to testify before Congressional Committees
  • Policy briefings to update and educate Senate and House staff.
Additionally, NARUC files briefs and pleadings before the U.S. Supreme Court and other Federal courts in support of State utility commission interests. NARUC also provides the Executive Branch with policy proposals and works with the Departments on the formulation of regulatory policies. NARUC works closely with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner (NRC), the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission to ensure the State perspective is considered in their proceedings.


NARUC members propose resolutions for consideration by the standing Committees and, if passed, the Board of Directors. The resolutions become the Association's policy positions and are used to ensure that policymakers, lawmakers, industry, and the general public understand the issues that face State regulators. Resolutions are debated at each of the three yearly NARUC meetings. Learn more...

Federal Testimony

NARUC members are often called before Congress and other Federal agencies to testify on utility and regulatory issues. Below is an archive of NARUC testimony before Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and various other agencies. Learn more...

Legal Filings

As directed by our membership, NARUC frequently submits comments and pleadings to Federal courts on relevant issues. Below is an archive of NARUC legal filings before the Federal Courts, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and others. Learn more...