NARCU Logo National Associations of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Lines
NARUC is an association representing the State public service commissioners who regulate essential utility services, such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, water, and transportation, throughout the country. As regulators, our members are charged with protecting the public and ensuring that rates charged by regulated utilities are fair, just, and reasonable.

Winter Meetings
February 15-18, 2009
Renaissance Washington • Washington, DC

Winter Committee Meetings are just a few months away, and with the new Administration and Congress coming in, you don't want to miss these important sessions. Learn firsthand what an Obama Administration will mean for energy, telecommunications, and water policies. Housing and Registration is now Open! click here

2009 National Electricity Delivery Forum • February 18-19, 2009
The preeminent executive-level public policy forum, click here

2008 NARUC Collections Survey Report

The 2008 NARUC Collections Survey Report is a national snapshot of regulated utility arrearages and terminations from October 2007 and May 2008, before and after the recent Winter heating season. Forty one States including the District of Columbia submitted data, which is collected from individual electric and gas utilities that are regulated by State Public Service Commissions. NARUC first started collecting this information in 2002, and participation has steadily increased from 16 States to 31 States in 2006.
Click here for the summary.
Click here for the complete report.

The 2008 Natural Gas Information Toolkit

The NARUC Gas Committee has released an updated edition of its Natural Gas Information "Toolkit" for the use of State Public Utility Commissions in addressing potentially volatile and high natural gas prices. The toolkit provides State commissions with options to consider that may help mitigate the effects of high natural gas prices on retail gas consumers, for the current winter season as well as for subsequent winters.   read more...

Speculation in the Natural Gas Market: What It Is and What It Isn't; When It's Good and When It's Bad

Policymakers, analysts, and other market observers have expressed opinions on what effect increased speculation has had on the market price of natural gas. These opinions diverge with different implications for appropriate public policy and other actions the federal government might take. NRRI’s Principal Ken Costello has authored a paper that addresses elementary questions about speculation in commodity markets, especially the natural gas and oil markets. The paper is available on the NRRI website, click here.

DTV Transition

February 17, 2009, is just around the corner. Is your TV ready?

Learn how NARUC is working with its federal partners to educate its members and the public at large about the upcoming transition to Digital Television, click here.


from the 2008 Annual Convention

Resolutions, here
Presentations, here
More Information, here

from the 2008 Summer Committee Meetings

Resolutions, here
Presentations, here
More Information, here


NARUC's own research institute

States Urge Consumers to Get Ready for Winter Season electric meter

State regulators play an important role in preparing customers for the winter heating season. While utility bills will increase, there are several things consumers can do to take control of their energy usage.   more...

The Latest From Us

» National Report Projects Snapshot of Utility Bill Arrearages   read more...

» NARUC Urges Obama Administration to Partner with States   read more...

» Florida's McMurrian Selected as Co-Chair of National Demand-Response Board   read more...

» Dworkin's Leadership of IEE Wins ERE’s Kilmarx Award   read more...

» Butler Picks New York's Brown to Lead Electricity Committee   read more...

» States Elect New Jersey's Butler as NARUC President; Coen, Clark as Vice Presidents   read more...

Upcoming Events

» NCSTS Winter Meeting  

» 2009 Wind Industry Institute  

» 36th Annual PURC Conference  

» PURC Leadership in Energy and Climate Policy seminar: Mobilizing for Action   read more...

» Winter Committee Meetings  

» Current Issues