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Nuclear Basic Statistics (data for 2006 except where noted)

Total Operable Reactors U.S. - 104; World - 443
Nuclear Electricity Net Generation 787,219 million kilowatthours
Nuclear % of Electricity Generation 19.4
Nuclear % of Electric Capacity 10.2
Nuclear Annual Capacity Factor 89.9
Largest U.S. Nuclear Plant Palo Verde - 3,825 megawatts (3 units)
Fuel Cost: nuclear vs. fossil steam 0.46 cents/kwh vs. 2.32 cents/kwh
Number of States with Commercial Nuclear Plants 31
States with Most Commercial Nuclear Plants Illinois - 6; Pennsylvania - 5
First U.S. Commercial Nuclear Plant Shippingport in Pennsylvania, 1957
U.S. Uranium Expenditures $221.2 million
U.S. Uranium Concentrate Production 4.1 million pounds
Average Price for Purchased Uranium (U3O8) $18.61 per pound U3O8
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