Statement from President-elect Obama

Below is a statement from President-elect Barack Obama.

Vice President-elect Biden announces more key staff for the Vice President’s office

Vice President-elect Joe Biden today announced the following staff for the Office of the Vice President: Alan Hoffman, as Deputy Chief of Staff; and Sudafi Henry, as Director of Legislative Affairs.

Weekly Democratic Address: President-elect Obama delivers holiday greeting

Today, President-elect Barack Obama delivered a holiday radio address to the American people.

Transition team releases review of contacts

Today the Obama Transition Team released the review of Obama Transition staff contacts with Governor Blagojevich and his office.  Download a PDF of the memo.

President-elect Barack Obama announces key members of National Security Team

Today, President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden announced the nomination of key members of their national security team, including James B. Steinberg for Deputy Secretary of State, and Jacob Lew for Deputy Secretary of State, and the appointment of Thomas E. Donilon as Deputy National Security Advisor and Antony “Tony” Blinken as National Security Advisor to the Vice President.

President-elect Obama announces more key White House staff

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced several key additions to his White House staff including Cassandra Butts, Deputy White House Counsel; Elizabeth Sears Smith, Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Shawn Maher, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for the United States Senate; Dan Turton, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for the United States House; Camille Johnston, Director of Communications for Michelle Obama;  Katie McCormick Lelyveld, Press Secretary for Michelle Obama and Semonti Mustaphi, Deputy Press Secretary for Michelle Obama.

Vice President-elect Biden to lead briefing on Economic Recovery Package

Tomorrow, Tuesday December 23, 2008, Vice President-elect Joe Biden will be briefed by Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, and other White House economic advisors on new economic developments and the upcoming economic recovery package that Congress is set to begin debating next month.

Obama Transition team announces White House Task Force on Working Families

Today, the Obama Transition team announced the President-elect’s intention to form a ‘White House Task Force on Working Families,’ to be chaired by Vice President-elect Joe Biden, effective January 20, 2009.

President-elect Obama announces key members of Science and Technology team

In this week’s Democratic Radio Address, President-elect Barack Obama announced key members of his Science and Technology team.

President-elect Obama announces choices for Transportation, Labor, SBA and USTR posts

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he intends to nominate United States Congresswoman Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor, former United States Congressman Ray LaHood as Secretary of Transportation, former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk as United States Trade Representative, and Karen G. Mills as Administrator of the Small Business Administration.

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