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Environmental Experts

Fax: (202) 586-3045
Anthony Radich - 202-586-0504   - anthony.radich@eia.doe.gov
Electric Power Emissions
Natalie Ko - 202-287-1957 - natalie.ko@eia.doe.gov
Electric Power Sector Pollutant Emissions - Modeling and Projections
Robert Smith - 202-586-9413 - robert.smith@eia.doe.gov
Greenhouse Gases
Paul McArdle, GHG Program Manager - 202-586-4445 -
Greenhouse Gases and International Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Perry Lindstrom - 202-586-0934 - perry.lindstrom@eia.doe.gov
Carbon Dioxide - U.S. Projections through 2030
Daniel Skelly - 202-586-1722 - daniel.skelly@eia.doe.gov
International Carbon Dioxide Emissions - Current Data
Karen Griffin - 202-586-1357 - karen.griffin@eia.doe.gov
MTBE, Oxygenated Gasoline, and Reformulated Gasoline
Tancred Lidderdale - 202-586-7321 - tlidderd@eia.doe.gov
Tier 2 Gasoline and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
William Brown - 202-586-8181 - william.brown@eia.doe.gov
Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Stephen Calopedis, Project Leader - 202-586-1156 - stephen.calopedis@eia.doe.gov

Energy Information Administration
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585

National Energy Information Center
(general energy information)
(202) 586-8800

Technical Information
(202) 586-8959



Coming for a visit?  

The closest Metrorail stops are Smithsonian or L'Enfant Plaza.
(If driving, limited metered parking is available, but finding a space is difficult.)