Title 32-National Defense



TEXT PDF865.0 Purpose.
TEXT PDF865.1 Setup of the Board.
TEXT PDF865.2 Board responsibilities.
TEXT PDF865.3 Application procedures.
TEXT PDF865.4 Board actions.
TEXT PDF865.5 Decision of the Secretary of the Air Force.
TEXT PDF865.6 Reconsideration of applications.
TEXT PDF865.7 Action after final decision.
TEXT PDF865.8 Miscellaneous provisions.
TEXT PDF865.100 Purpose.
TEXT PDF865.101 References.
TEXT PDF865.102 Statutory authority.
TEXT PDF865.103 Definition of terms.
TEXT PDF865.104 Secretarial responsibilities.
TEXT PDF865.105 Jurisdiction and authority.
TEXT PDF865.106 Application for review.
TEXT PDF865.107 DRB composition and meeting location.
TEXT PDF865.108 Availability of records and documents.
TEXT PDF865.109 Procedures for hearings.
TEXT PDF865.110 Decision process.
TEXT PDF865.111 Response to items submitted as issues by the applicant.
TEXT PDF865.112 Decisional issues.
TEXT PDF865.113 Recommendations by the Director of the Personnel Council and Secretarial Review Authority.
TEXT PDF865.114 Decisional document.
TEXT PDF865.115 Issuance of decisions following discharge review.
TEXT PDF865.116 Records of DRB proceeding.
TEXT PDF865.117 Final disposition of the record of proceedings.
TEXT PDF865.118 Availability of Discharge Review Board documents for public inspection and copying.
TEXT PDF865.119 Privacy Act information.
TEXT PDF865.120 Discharge review standards.
TEXT PDF865.121 Complaints concerning decisional documents and index entries.
TEXT PDF865.122 Summary of statistics for Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF865.123 Approval of exceptions to directive.
TEXT PDF865.124 Procedures for regional hearings.
TEXT PDF865.125 Report requirement.
TEXT PDF865.126 Sample report format.

