Title 32-National Defense



TEXT PDF842.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF842.1 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.3 Claims authorities.
TEXT PDF842.4 Where to file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.5 Claims forms.
TEXT PDF842.6 Signature on the claim form.
TEXT PDF842.7 Who may file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.8 Insured claimants.
TEXT PDF842.9 Splitting a claim.
TEXT PDF842.10 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.11 Air Force claims organization.
TEXT PDF842.12 HQ USAF claims responsibility.
TEXT PDF842.13 Staff Judge Advocates' responsibility.
TEXT PDF842.14 Claims and assistant claims officers.
TEXT PDF842.15 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.16 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.17 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.18 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.19 Limiting provisions.
TEXT PDF842.20 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.21 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.22 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.23 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.24 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.25 Partial payments.
TEXT PDF842.26 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.27 Who may file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.28 Who are proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.29 Who are not proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.30 General provisions.
TEXT PDF842.31 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.32 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.33 Reconsideration of a claim.
TEXT PDF842.34 Right of subrogation, indemnity, and contribution.
TEXT PDF842.35 Depreciation and maximum allowances.
TEXT PDF842.36 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.37 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.38 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.39 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.40 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.41 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.42 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.43 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.44 Advance payments.
TEXT PDF842.45 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.46 Who may file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.47 Who are proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.48 Who are not proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.49 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.50 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.51 Applicable law.
TEXT PDF842.52 Appeal of final denials.
TEXT PDF842.53 Right of subrogation, indemnity, and contribution.
TEXT PDF842.54 Attorney fees.
TEXT PDF842.55 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.56 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.57 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.58 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.59 Advance payments.
TEXT PDF842.60 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.61 Who may file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.62 Who are proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.63 Who are not proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.64 Payment criteria.
TEXT PDF842.65 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.66 Applicable law.
TEXT PDF842.67 Reconsideration of final denials.
TEXT PDF842.68 Right of subrogation, indemnity, and contribution.
TEXT PDF842.69 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.70 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.71 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.72 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.73 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.74 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.75 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.76 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.77 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.78 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.79 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.80 Reconsideration of final denial.
TEXT PDF842.81 Settlement agreement.
TEXT PDF842.82 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.83 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.84 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.85 Reconsidering claims against the United States.
TEXT PDF842.86 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.87 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.88 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.89 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.90 Reconsideration of final denials.
TEXT PDF842.91 Settlement agreements.
TEXT PDF842.92 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.93 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.94 Assertable claims.
TEXT PDF842.95 Non-assertable claims.
TEXT PDF842.96 Asserting the claim.
TEXT PDF842.97 Referring a claim to the US Attorney or the Department of Justice.
TEXT PDF842.98 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.99 Compromise, termination, and suspension of collection.
TEXT PDF842.100 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.102 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.103 Filing a claim.
TEXT PDF842.104 Advance payments.
TEXT PDF842.105 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.106 Who may file a claim.
TEXT PDF842.107 Who are proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.108 Who are not proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.109 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.110 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.111 Applicable law.
TEXT PDF842.112 Appeal of final denials.
TEXT PDF842.113 Government's right of subrogation, indemnity, and contribution.
TEXT PDF842.114 Attorney fees.
TEXT PDF842.115 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.116 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.117 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.118 Assertable claims.
TEXT PDF842.119 Nonassertable claims.
TEXT PDF842.120 Asserting the claim.
TEXT PDF842.121 Referring a claim to the US Attorney.
TEXT PDF842.122 Statute of limitations.
TEXT PDF842.123 Recovery rates in government facilities.
TEXT PDF842.124 Waiver and compromise of United States interest.
TEXT PDF842.125 Reconsideration of a waiver for undue hardship.
TEXT PDF842.126 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.127 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.128 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.129 Settlement of claims against NAFIs.
TEXT PDF842.130 Payment of claims against NAFIs.
TEXT PDF842.131 Tort and tort type claims.
TEXT PDF842.132 Claims by NAFI employees.
TEXT PDF842.133 Claims by customers, members, participants, or authorized users.
TEXT PDF842.134 Claims in favor of NAFIs.
TEXT PDF842.135 Advance payments.
TEXT PDF842.136 Claim payments and deposits.
TEXT PDF842.137 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.138 Definitions.
TEXT PDF842.139 Delegations of authority.
TEXT PDF842.140 Proper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.141 Improper claimants.
TEXT PDF842.142 Claims payable.
TEXT PDF842.143 Claims not payable.
TEXT PDF842.144 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF842.145 Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF842.146 Who may request.
TEXT PDF842.147 When authorized.
TEXT PDF842.148 When not authorized.
TEXT PDF842.149 Separate advance payment claims.
TEXT PDF842.150 Liability for repayment.

