Title 32-National Defense



TEXT PDF1630.2 Classes.
TEXT PDF1630.10 Class 1-A: Available for unrestricted military service.
TEXT PDF1630.11 Class 1-A-0: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service only.
TEXT PDF1630.12 Class 1-C: Member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service.
TEXT PDF1630.13 Class 1-D-D: Deferment for certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training.
TEXT PDF1630.14 Class 1-D-E: Exemption of certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training.
TEXT PDF1630.15 Class 1-H: Registrant not subject to processing for induction.
TEXT PDF1630.16 Class 1-O: Conscientious objector to all military service.
TEXT PDF1630.17 Class 1-O-S: Conscientious objector to all military service (separated).
TEXT PDF1630.18 Class 1-W: Conscientious objector ordered to perform alternative service.
TEXT PDF1630.26 Class 2-D: Registrant deferred because of study preparing for the ministry.
TEXT PDF1630.30 Class 3-A: Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents.
TEXT PDF1630.31 Class 3-A-S: Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents (separated).
TEXT PDF1630.40 Class 4-A: Registrant who has completed military service.
TEXT PDF1630.41 Class 4-B: Official deferred by law.
TEXT PDF1630.42 Class 4-C: Alien or dual national.
TEXT PDF1630.43 Class 4-D: Minister of religion.
TEXT PDF1630.44 Class 4-F: Registrant not acceptable for military service.
TEXT PDF1630.45 Class 4-G: Registrant exempted from service because of the death of his parent or sibling while serving in the Armed Forces or whose parent or sibling is in a captured or missing in action status.
TEXT PDF1630.46 Class 4-T: Treaty alien.
TEXT PDF1630.47 Class 4-W: Registrant who has completed alternative service in lieu of induction.
TEXT PDF1630.48 Class 4-A-A: Registrant who has performed military service for a foreign nation.

