Title 10--Energy



TEXT PDF490.1 Purpose and Scope.
TEXT PDF490.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF490.3 Excluded vehicles.
TEXT PDF490.4 General information inquiries.
TEXT PDF490.5 Requests for an interpretive ruling.
TEXT PDF490.6 Petitions for generally applicable rulemaking.
TEXT PDF490.7 Relationship to other law.
TEXT PDF490.200 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF490.201 Alternative fueled vehicle acquisition mandate schedule.
TEXT PDF490.202 Acquisitions satisfying the mandate.
TEXT PDF490.203 Light Duty Alternative Fueled Vehicle Plan.
TEXT PDF490.204 Process for granting exemptions.
TEXT PDF490.205 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF490.206 Violations.
TEXT PDF490.300 Purpose and Scope.
TEXT PDF490.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF490.302 Vehicle acquisition mandate schedule.
TEXT PDF490.303 Who must comply.
TEXT PDF490.304 Which new light duty motor vehicles are covered.
TEXT PDF490.305 Acquisitions satisfying the mandate.
TEXT PDF490.306 Vehicle operation requirements.
TEXT PDF490.307 Option for Electric Utilities.
TEXT PDF490.308 Process for granting exemptions.
TEXT PDF490.309 Annual reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF490.310 Violations.
TEXT PDF490.500 Purpose and Scope.
TEXT PDF490.501 Applicability.
TEXT PDF490.502 Creditable actions.
TEXT PDF490.503 Credit allocation.
TEXT PDF490.504 Use of alternative fueled vehicle credits.
TEXT PDF490.505 Credit accounts.
TEXT PDF490.506 Alternative fueled vehicle credit transfers.
TEXT PDF490.507 Credit activity reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF490.600 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF490.601 Powers of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF490.602 Special orders.
TEXT PDF490.603 Prohibited acts.
TEXT PDF490.604 Penalties and Fines.
TEXT PDF490.605 Statement of enforcement policy.
TEXT PDF490.606 Proposed assessments and orders.
TEXT PDF490.607 Appeals.
TEXT PDF490.701 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF490.702 Definitions.
TEXT PDF490.703 Biodiesel fuel use credit allocation.
TEXT PDF490.704 Procedures and documentation.
TEXT PDF490.705 Use of credits.
TEXT PDF490.706 Procedure for modifying the biodiesel component percentage.
TEXT PDF490.707 Increasing the qualifying volume of the biodiesel component.
TEXT PDF490.708 Violations.
