On the Issues


A nomination is a proposed presidential appointment to a federal office that is submitted to the Senate for confirmation. The Armed Services Committee is referred all nominations for military officer promotions in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force, as well as many high-level civilian officials in the Department of Defense, in each of the three military departments and in the Department of Energy.

One of the committee’s most important oversight responsibilities is the examination of nominations referred to it by the Senate. For example, during the 109th Congress (2005-2006) the committee handled 49 civilian nominations and almost 50,000 military nominations. The committee thoroughly reviews the background qualifications and policy views of senior military officers and all civilian nominees. Frequently, the committee conducts a nomination hearing to further explore the nominee’s qualifications and position on issues.

Following completion of its review, the committee will meet to vote its recommendation to the Senate on the nominee. Once reported to the Senate, the full Senate will vote on the nomination. A nominee is confirmed or rejected by a majority vote of the full Senate. The President is always notified following action by the Senate on each nominee.

Acquisition Reform at DOD
Ever since he came to the Senate, Senator Levin has been fighting to ensure that every dollar spent on national defense is spent wisely. more >

Base Closures
Senator Levin recognizes that closing unneeded installations and getting rid of excess military bases and infrastructure is an essential part of building the lighter, more mobile, capable military that we need in order to respond to the increasingly diverse and complex national security challenges that we face today. more >

Department of Defense Oversight
One of the most important duties of the Senate Armed Services Committee is to provide oversight for the programs and operations of the Department of Defense. more >

Department of Energy Oversight
In addition to oversight over the Department of Defense, the Senate Armed Services Committee also has jurisdiction over almost three-quarters of the annual budget for the Department of Energy in programs related to the nuclear weapons complex. more >

Homeland Security and the Department of Defense
The Department of Defense provides support to the federal, state and local authorities that have the primary responsibility for homeland security. more >

Iraq Intelligence Inquiry
Senator Levin announced in June that he was directing his Armed Services Committee staff to conduct an inquiry into the objectivity and credibility of intelligence on Iraq prior to the war, and to examine the impact of that intelligence on planning for the war and on the conduct of combat and stability operations. more >

Military in Michigan
For over 150 years, the people of Michigan have answered the call to serve our nation’s defense. Our state’s heroes aren’t just those who flew the planes, drove the tanks, or commanded the ships, but include those who built them as well. more >

National Defense Authorization Act
The annual National Defense Authorization Act authorizes funding for the entire Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. more >

National Missile Defense
National Missile Defense has been a controversial topic for four decades because developing and deploying such missile defenses could reduce – rather than increase – our security. Senator Levin believes the United States should prioritize its resources on the most likely threats, rather than the least likely threats. more >

NATO is widely considered to be the most successful collective defense organization in history. NATO is currently leading peacekeeping operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan. more >

One of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s most important oversight responsibilities is the examination of presidential nominations of senior military officers and all civilian nominees. more >

Nonproliferation programs seek to prevent the spread of nuclear, chemical and biological materials, weapons, technical knowledge and delivery systems. Senator Levin has focused extensively on supporting nonproliferation programs and the goals of arms control and arms control treaties. more >


Senate Chamber



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To learn more specific information about Senator Levin's work on a particular committee, select from the list below. more

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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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