Voting Record

109th Congress, Second Session - 2006

300 - 201 | 200 - 101 | 100 - 1

Vote Date Psn Title Bill Result Description
279 12-09 Y Tax Breaks Extension bill H.R. 6111 Agreed to (79-9) Passage of the bill.
278* 12-09 Y Tax Breaks Extension bill H.R. 6111 Agreed to (78-10) Motion to invoke cloture
277* 12-09 Y Tax Breaks Extension bill H.R. 6111 Agreed to (67-21) Motion to waive the Budget Act
276 12-08 Y Nomination of Kent A. Jordan, of Delaware, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit.   Confirmed (91-0) Confirmation
275* 12-08 Y Nomination of Kent A. Jordan, of Delaware, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit.   Agreed to (93-0) Motion to invoke cloture
274 12-07 Y Nomination of Andrew von Eschenbach, of Texas, to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs.   Confirmed (80-11) Confirmation
273* 12-07 Y Nomination of Andrew von Eschenbach, of Texas, to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs.   Agreed to (89-6) Motion to invoke cloture
272 12-06 Y Confirmation of the nomination of Dr. Robert M. Gates to be Secretary of Defense.   Confirmed (95-2) Confirmation
271* 12-05 Y Agriculture Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5384 Rejected (57-37) Conrad motion to waive the fiscal 2007 budget resolution with respect to the emergency designation in the Conrad amendment which adds $4.8 billion in emergency funding for drought, flood, and fire relief for farmers and ranchers. (S. Amdt. 5205)
270 11-16 Y United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act H.R. 5682 Passed (85-12) Passage of the bill.
269 11-16 N United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act S. 3709 Rejected (38-59) Boxer amendment to make the waiver authority of the President contingent upon a certification that India has agreed to suspend military-to-military cooperation with Iran, including training exercises, until such time as Iran is no longer designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. (S. Amdt. 5187)
268 11-16 N United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act S. 3709 Rejected (25-71) Feingold amendment which requires as a precondition to United States-India peaceful atomic energy cooperation determinations by the President that United States nuclear cooperation with India does nothing to assist, encourage, or induce India to manufacture or acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. (S. Amdt. 5183)
267 11-16 N United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act S. 3709 Rejected (27-71) Ensign amendment ensure that IAEA inspection equipment is not used for espionage purposes. (S. Amdt. 5181)
266 11-16 N United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act S. 3709 Rejected (27-71) Dorgan amendment to declare that it is the policy of the United States to continue to support implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172. (S. Amdt. 5178)
265 11-16 N United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act S. 3709 Rejected (26-73) Bingaman-Kennedy amendment to limit the waiver authority of the President. (S. Amdt. 5174)
264 11-14 Y Military Construction, Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5385 Agreed to (95-1) Frist motion to instruct the sergeant at arms to request the attendance of absent senators.
263* 09-29 N Abortion bill S. 403 Rejected (57-42) Frist, et al., motion to close further debate on the motion to concur in the amendment of the House to the bill.
262 09-29 N Security Fence bill H.R. 6061 Passed (80-19) Passage of the bill.
261 09-29 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, Conference Report, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (100-0) Conference Report agreed to.
260* 09-28 N Security Fence bill H.R. 6061 Agreed to (71-28) Frist, et al., motion to close further debate on the bill.
259 09-28 N Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Passed (65-34) Passage of the bill.
258 09-28 Y Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Rejected (46-53) Kennedy, et al., amendment which requires protection of American personnel abroad by clarifying the practices that the U.S. considers violations of the Geneva Conventions when used against U.S. personnel by other countries; and provides that banned practices include waterboarding, mock executions and other techniques considered to be abusive. (S. Amdt. 5088)
257 09-28 Y Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Rejected (47-52) Byrd, et al., amendment which prohibits the establishment of new military commissions after December 31, 2011. (S. Amdt. 5104)
256 09-28 Y Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Rejected (46-53) Rockefeller, et al., amendment which requires the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency to submit quarterly reports to the congressional intelligence committees on the detention and interrogation program of the Central Intelligence Agency. (S. Amdt. 5095)
255 09-28 Y Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Rejected (48-51) Specter-Leahy, et al., amendment which strikes the provision in the bill regarding Habeas Corpus petitions. (S. Amdt. 5087)
254 09-27 Y Military Commissions Act S. 3930 Rejected (43-54) Levin amendment substituting the Senate Armed Services Committee-passed bill. (S. Amdt. 5086)
253 09-25 Y Confirmation of the nomination of Francisco Augusto Besosa, of Puerto Rico, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico.   Confirmed (87-0) Confirmation
252* 09-20 Y Security Fence bill H.R. 6061 Agreed to (94-0) Frist, et al., cloture motion on motion to proceed to bill.
251 09-19 N Confirmation of the nomination of Alice S. Fisher, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Attorney General.   Confirmed (61-35) Confirmation
250 09-19 N United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement H.R. 5684 Passed (62-32) Passage of the bill.
249 09-14 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Passed (98-0) Passage of the bill.
248 09-14 N Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Tabled (61-37) Schumer, et al., amendment which improves maritime container security by ensuring that foreign ports participating in the Container Security Initiative scan all containers shipped to the United States for nuclear and radiological weapons before loading. (S. Amdt. 4930)
247* 09-14 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (98-0) Frist, et al., motion to close further debate on the bill.
246 09-13 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Rejected (43-55) Menendez amendment which requires the Secretary of Homeland Security, no later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, to develop an initial plan to scan 100 percent of the cargo containers destined for the United States before such containers arrive in the United States. (S. Amdt. 4999)
245 09-13 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (95-3) Coleman-Collins-Stevens amendment which requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that 100 percent of the cargo entering the United States through a seaport undergo a screening to identify high-risk containers and that 100 percent of the containers that have been identified as high-risk are scanned before such containers leave a United States seaport facility; requires the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of Energy and foreign partners, to deploy integrated scanning systems to scan all containers entering the United States; and requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report to appropriate congressional committees describing the status of full-scale deployment and the cost of deploying the system at each foreign port. (S. Amdt. 4982)
244 09-13 N Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (57-41) Stevens motion to table the Biden amendment which establishes a "Homeland Security and Neighborhood Safety Trust Fund" within the Treasury of the United States. (S. Amdt. 4975)
243* 09-13 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Rejected (41-57) Murray motion to waive the Budget Act to permit consideration of the Reid amendment which provides real resources and tools needed to develop the tough and smart policies that provide the "Real Security" that the American people deserve; and provides a direct appropriation of $4.1 billion for the purpose of implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations. (S. Amdt. 4936)
242 09-12 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (97-0) Hutchison-Kyl-DeWine amendment which authorizes the hiring of an additional 275 Customs and Border Protection Officers; and authorizes an additional $502.7 million in appropriations to United States Customs and Border protection to remain available until expended. (S. Amdt. 4931)
241 09-12 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (85-12) Lautenberg, et al., amendment which lifts the cap on the number of full time employees hired by the Transportation Security Administration to provide appropriate levels of aviation security. (S. Amdt. 4940)
240 09-12 Y Port Security bill H.R. 4954 Agreed to (95-0) Stevens (for DeMint)-Burns-Vitter amendment (as amended by the DeMint-Stevens-Inouye Amendment 4927) which creates a national alert system to provide a public communications system capable of alerting the public on a national, regional, or local level of any emergencies that require the public to respond. (S. Amdt. 4921)
239 09-07 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Passed (98-0) Passage of the bill.
238 09-07 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (98-0) Reed amendment which provides an additional $65.4 million for the procurement of Predators for Special Operations forces. (S. Amdt. 4911)
237 09-07 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabling Motion Rejected (45-51) Stevens motion to table the Schumer amendment which would make available up to an additional $700 million for Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities in Afghanistan (S. Amdt. 4897)
236 09-07 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabled (51-44) Stevens motion to table the Menendez amendment which prohibits the use of any of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by the Act from being obligated or expended for a public relations program designed to monitor news media in the United States and the Middle East and create a database of news stories to promote positive coverage of the war in Iraq. (S. Amdt. 4909)
235 09-07 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (96-0) Conrad, et al., amendment which provides $200 million for a unit dedicated to bringing to justice Osama bin Laden and other key leaders of al Qaeda and requires the Secretary of Defense to provide a classified report every 90 days on progress made in the global war on terrorism. (S. Amdt. 4907)
234 09-06 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabled (50-48) Motion to table the Kennedy-Reid amendment which requires a quarterly report by the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to determine whether Iraq is in a civil war. (S. Amdt. 4895)
233 09-06 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabled (54-44) Motion to table Mikulski-Sarbanes amendment re Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital. (S. Amdt. 4885)
232 09-06 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Rejected (30-70) Feinstein-Leahy amendment re cluster munitions. (S. Amdt. 4882)
231 09-05 Y Confirmation of the nomination of Kimberly Ann Moore, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.   Confirmed (92-0) Confirmation
230 08-03 Y Pension Reform bill H.R. 4 Passed (93-5) Passage of the bill.
229* 08-03 N Estate Tax - Minimum Wage bill H.R. 5970 Rejected (56-42) Frist, et al., motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to the bill.
228 08-03 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (96-0) Menendez amendment which makes $3 million available from the Navy Operations and Maintenance fund for improvements to physical security at Navy recruiting stations and to improve data security. (S. Amdt. 4863)
227 08-03 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Rejected (31-67) Sessions-Warner-Nelson (NE) amendment which makes up to $77 million available for Advanced Conventional Strike Capability for the Conventional Trident Modification Program. (S. Amdt. 4844)
226 08-03 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (96-1) Coburn amendment which requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress that describes each earmark made available to the Department of Defense by this act; and requires the report to be posted on the Internet. (S. Amdt. 4848)
225 08-03 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (97-0) Boxer-Graham amendment which prohibits the use of funds by the United States to enter into an agreement with the Government of Iraq that would subject members of the Armed Forces to the jurisdiction of Iraq criminal courts or punishment under Iraq law. (S. Amdt. 4858)
224 08-03 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (96-0) Coburn modified amendment which requires the Secretary of Defense to submit to Congress within 90 days of enactment a report describing risk assessments performed by the Department of Defense on travel payments, including an estimate of improper payments made for travel expenses. (S. Amdt. 4785)
223 08-03 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabling Motion Rejected (36-60) Stevens motion to table the Coburn amendment which limits the amount the Department of Defense can spend on conferences in FY 2007 to $70 million. (S. Amdt. 4787)
222 08-02 N Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Tabled (54-43) Stevens motion to table the Durbin-Obama-Lautenberg modified amendment which provides an additional $2 million for Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation for the improvement of imaging for traumatic brain injuries, and the adoption of current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in combat. (S. Amdt. 4781)
221 08-02 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (97-0) Dodd, et al., amendment which allows $6.7 billion to be reallocated for equipment reset requirements resulting from continuing combat operations. (S. Amdt. 4819)
220 08-02 Y Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007 H.R. 5631 Agreed to (94-3) Sessions-Kyl-Talent modified amendment which increases the amount in the bill for Operation and Maintenance of the Army National Guard by $1.83 billion for the construction of 370 miles of triple-layered fencing and 461 miles of vehicle barriers along the southwest border. (S. Amdt. 4775)
219 08-01 Y Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 S. 3711 Passed (71-25) Passage of the bill which requires the Secretary of the Interior to offer certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas leasing and to distribute a portion of the revenues generated by new leases to Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, with certain restrictions.
218* 07-31 Y Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 S. 3711 Agreed to (72-23) Motion to close further debate on the bill.
217* 07-26 Y Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006
S. 3711 Agreed to (86-12) Motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to the bill.
216 07-25 N Child Custody Protection Act
S. 403 Passed (65-34) Passage of the bill.
215 07-25 Y Child Custody Protection Act
S. 403 Agreed to (98-0) Boxer-Ensign amendment regarding an exception in cases of incest. (S. Amdt. 4694)
214 07-25 Y Child Custody Protection Act S. 403 Rejected (48-51) Lautenberg-Menendez amendment which creates a new teen pregnancy prevention grant program for states, local educational agencies, state and local public health agencies, and non-profits. (S. Amdt. 4689)
213 07-25 N Confirmatino of the nomination of Jerome A. Holmes, of Oklahoma, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit.   Confirmed (67-30) Confirmation
212 07-20 Y Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Correta Scott King Voting Rights Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 H.R. 9 Passed (98-0) Passage of the bill which amends the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
211 07-19 N Water Resources Development Act S. 728 Rejected (43-56) Inhofe-Bond amendment which modifies the transparency requirements in the underlying bill to require that a national priority system ranking be included. (S. Amdt. 4683)
210 07-19 N Water Resources Development Act S. 728 Rejected (19-80) McCain-Feingold, et al., amendment which requires a water resources construction project prioritization report from the Water Resources Planning Coordinating Committee every January beginning in January 2007. (S. Amdt. 4684)
209 07-19 N Water Resources Development Act S. 728 Rejected (49-51) Inhofe, et al., amendment which requires the Chief of Engineers to publish and implement guidelines for the use of peer review boards for water resources projects; requires an independent panel review of water resource projects costing more than $100 million or if the Secretary of the Army determines that there is controversy over the size, nature, and/or safety of the project; and permits the Chief of Engineers to consider establishing an independent panel of experts to review a project under certain circumstances. (S. Amdt. 4682)
208 07-19 Y Water Resources Development Act S. 728 Agreed to (54-46) Feingold-McCain, et al., amendment which requires the Secretary of the Army to appoint a Director of Independent Peer Review selected from individuals who are distinguished experts in engineering, hydrology, biology, and/or economics; requires the Director to review each water resource project of $40 million or more; and requires an independent review of flood control construction projects where the public safety would be a risk should the project fail. (S. Amdt. 4681)
207 07-18 Y Water Resources Development Act S. 728 Agreed to (63-36) Specter-Carper amendment which strikes the section of the bill that retires the McFarland hopper dredge. (S. Amdt. 4680)
206 07-18 Y Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act H.R. 810 Passed (63-37) Passage of the bill which would expand the number of human embryonic stem cells eligible for federally-funded research.
205 07-18 Y Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act S. 2754 Passed (100-0) Passage of the bill which would promote research into finding alternative ways to derive stem cells that do not involve the destruction of an embryo.
204 07-18 Y Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006
S. 3504 Passed (100-0) Passage of the bill which would prohibit the solicitation or acceptance of tissue from fetuses gestated for research purposes.
203 07-13 Y 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act H.R. 5441 Passed (100-0) Passage of the bill.
202 07-13 N 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act H.R. 5441 Agreed to (84-16) Vitter modified amendment which prohibits the use of any funds in the bill for the seizure of a firearm based on the existence of a declaration or state of emergency. (S. Amdt. 4615)
201 07-13 N 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act H.R. 5441 Rejected (34-66) Sessions modified amendment which increases funding in the bill by $85.7 million for salaries and expenses in Immigration and Customs Enforcement; states that $104 million shall be available to increase the number of full time active duty investigators employed by the Department of Homeland Security to investigate violations of immigration laws; and offsets the additional funding by reducing the amount of discretionary funding in the bill. (S. Amdt. 4660)


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For Senator Levin's votes in the First Session of the 110th Congress (2007) click here

For Senator Levin's votes in the Second Session of the 109th Congress (2006) click here

For Senator Levin's votes in the First Session of the 109th Congress (2005) click here

For Senator Levin's votes in the Second Session of the 108th Congress (2004) click here

For Senator Levin's votes in the First Session of the 108th Congress (2003) click here

To view those from previous sessions, please visit the Library of Congress

Senator Levin at an Armed Services Committee hearing

A description of each vote in the 109th Congress, along with Senator Levin's position on each, is available here.

*3/5ths Majority Required
**2/3rds Majority Required