Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 4:15 PM
While the focus of everyone's attention right now is on the economy, it wasn't too long ago that the big issue in front of Congress was energy. It's safe to say that at least some of the economic hardship that Americans are facing today can be directly related to our lack of energy independence.

Today, the Congressional moratorium on off-shore drilling and oil shale expires, and Republicans can take solace in knowing that our insistent calls for the Speaker of the House to address this issue paid off... at least for now. Even more so, the pressure that Americans put on Congress to address the energy issue went a long way in forcing Speaker Pelosi's hand on this issue.

However, much more work needs to be done so America can actually start tapping into this energy potential. We must pass legislation that expedites the leasing and permitting processes and safeguards energy companies from frivolous and unwarranted lawsuits that can stall the production process for several years.

To see the letter to Speaker Pelosi I signed with 154 other members calling for the expiration of the moratorium, click here.

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db writes: Wednesday, October, 01, 2008 5:20 PM
Why they let it exprie:
"We must pass legislation that expedites the leasing and permitting processes and safeguards energy companies from frivolous and unwarranted lawsuits that can stall the production process for several years."

Don't hold yer breath on that one...
Kristianne writes: Wednesday, October, 01, 2008 5:30 PM
Drill here, drill now
is NOT "energy independence". Bachman, like so many of the GOP oil mavens, has her head up her arse.
jennifer writes: Wednesday, October, 01, 2008 5:51 PM
It is energy independence when we can staop giving $700 billon to the middle east to run our cars and heat our homes and spend that on researching other types of renewable energy. The dems idea of ending all the oil and coal operations now and then in 10 years figuring out an alterantive is up pelosi's arse.
Stand up, Chuck! Oh, for the love of God. writes: Wednesday, October, 01, 2008 11:56 PM
Say something Powerful and Unifying
John Kennedy's speechwriter (his name escapes me) told him to propose a space mission in the early sixties, which he did. Kennedy knew nothing about space exploration, or anything else for that matter, but because of the relative newness of the television medium, and a good speechwriter, the American people got behind the "mission to the moon".

John McCain should propose some type of alternative energy program that Americans can get behind, and really support. For instance: "I would like to see in two years, a hydrogen powered automobile that can travel 75 miles for one dollar; a 75% increase in the output of voltage from wind powered turbines; an innovative technique to harness the power of water", etc. Offer a big reward for the attainment of these and other goals. As stupid as most Americans are nowadays, due mostly to their twelve year government school indoctrination sessions, I am confident that probably at least 50% of the country would support, and even rally behind some such initiative. As a clarification: when I say "country", I am basically referring to US citizens, and am not including the approximately 18,000,000 illegal aliens living here.
Where is the patriotic rhetoric nowadays; where are the enunciated goals; where are the decent speechwriters, and where are the politicians with any original ideas, who can speak their own minds, tell us their own ideas, without speechwriters?
Sarah Palin is about as close as we're going to get to that, I think. Vote McCain, then hope for his quick demise.

Greg writes: Thursday, October, 02, 2008 10:37 AM
Earth to Chuck
What are you smoking
John writes: Thursday, October, 02, 2008 2:39 PM

Sadly, Pelosi has SHOWN herself to be hyper-partisan and not interested in SOLUTIONS.

House Republicans have shown their ability to LISTEN to the American people and take a stand on these important issues: Drilling, Bail-out, etc.

House Republicans - coming up for a vote should HIGHLIGHT the LACK OF ENERGY POLICY when casting their votes!

Use the National focus on the bail-out to highlight Drilling!!
Mrs Ramsey writes: Thursday, October, 02, 2008 3:11 PM
yes, it had to expire and a good thing too. there has to be a bridge between oil consumption and future oil independance. While saving the planet seems a worthy cause the next question would be at the expense of what? if we have enough oil to last us at least 10 years and our infrastructures are naturally "friendly" to the energy method used for at least a century. It is asimine of you to think in such small scale. Ms bachman at least has no pecuniary involvement in the wind power/solar power technologies like the Pelosi/Reid combo. Democrats, plutocrats.
Alexander writes: Thursday, October, 02, 2008 7:10 PM
Energy independence smacks of an old mercantilist or socialist argument for protectionism and government subsidies. Besides, energy independence is not the goal, that would make things much much more expensive. The goal is cheap and plentiful energy from all the profitable economic sources. We should remove all the legal barriers to drilling everywhere, but we should not do it because we think it will give us "energy independence."
h20skier writes: Thursday, October, 02, 2008 10:30 PM
Wind mills and alternatives
What happened to Carter's promise of solar energy being efficient in 10 years? That was over 30 years ago. Now, we hear the same tired arguments from the left. In 10 years we can have clean renewable energy. What are we supposed to do in the meantime? What happens if the renewable energy does not work in 10 years? Remember just a few years ago when windmills were proposed as an alternative energy source. The left said we couldn't do that because it kills birds. I found an article written in 2005 saying the windfarms were being shutdown at night to stop killing the birds flying through the windmill fields. Now, the left is pushing the windmills as the solution to the energy problem. Oh, except when it obstructs their view.

Drill Here, Drill Now is what our economy is built upon no matter how much the left doesn't want it to be. We have enough reserves to last at least 50 years so why throw out a proven solution while searching for an alternative?
James writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 11:53 AM
Dirt cheap energy = strong economy
Alex's libertarian streak notwithstanding, the best way to energize the economy is to unleash the power of harnessing our own domestic energy resources. Reduce consumer energy prices, increase jobs, strengthen the nation.

A national economy based on office parks, Walmarts, fast food, and Starbucks cannot survive long term. Energy must replace manufacturing as the mainstay of our economy. Hopefully some manufacturing will return as well.
USAcitizen writes: Sunday, October, 05, 2008 10:41 PM
Energy choice "all of the above"
Yeah, more drilling will help.
It will help a lot, actually.
So will geothermal.
So will coal, along with "scrubber" technology.
So will USA oil shale, Canadian oil sands.
So will nuclear electricity generation.
So will wind farms, in a few certain places.
So will ocean-current turbines.

As the GOP candidates have said, "all of the above" need to be used. It will add up.

Energy Idependence? Not easy, but certainly worth working toward.
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