News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Senator Murray Announces Funding to Help Washington Tribes Address Environmental Challenges

Spokane Tribe, Colville Confederated Tribes, Upper Skagit Tribe, Swinomish Tribe, and Yakama Nation awarded $454,477 in EPA Grants

For Immediate Release:
Friday, March 16, 2001

(WASHINGTON, D.C). – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), announced new grants to help five Washington state tribes address air pollution, lead pollution, water quality and other environmental problems. The funding comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

"I am glad these funds will help Washington's tribes address environmental concerns in their communities," Murray said. "It is important for the EPA to continue funding these programs so Washington's Tribes can provide safeguards to ensure healthy environments."

The grants were awarded as follows:

SPOKANE TRIBE $225,240 This grant will help fund a residential radon testing program. The funding will also allow tribal members to learn about air pollution by attending Tribal Air Network meetings and training conducted by the NAU Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. The funding will continue the Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN).

COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES $97,130 This funding, awarded to the Colvilles, will support its efforts to train painters to test for lead-based paint.

UPPER SKAGIT TRIBE $90,000 This grant increases funding for the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe EPA General Assistance Program, which is used to come into compliance with state, federal and tribal environmental laws.

SWINOMISH TRIBE $35,000 The grant will fund the Swinomish Blood Lead Screening Program, which collects and analyzes children's blood samples to test for the presence of lead.

YAKAMA NATION $7,107 The Yakama Nation will use the grant to finish developing its water quality standards.
