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Earmark Reform Press Conference

Earmark Reform Press Conference

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One Pager on H Con Res 263

H Con Res 263

Republican Conference Letter to Speaker Pelosi Endorsing H Con Res 263 and Adopting Earmark Standards

Washington, Nov 16, 2007 -  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a press conference yesterday, a coalition led by Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA/01), Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Congressman Zach Wamp (R-TN) introduced earmark reform legislation. They were joined by fellow Congressmen Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Denny Rehberg (R-MT), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Charlie Dent (R-PA) and Mike Pence (R-IN). The bill currently has 78 co-sponsors.

“I’ve worked hard with Congressman Wolf and Congressman Wamp to come up with an earmark reform proposal that is acceptable to Members. I think we’ve come up with a good bill that has the support of appropriators, budget hawks and Republican moderates. This is the first earmark reform bill that can claim such a coalition. Once the bill gets to the House floor, I believe we can work in a bipartisan manner to get it passed.”

The Kingston-Wolf-Wamp concurrent resolution would establish a Joint Select Committee on Earmark Reform composed of 16 members from the House and Senate majority and minority parties. The JSC will hold at least 5 public hearings while conducting a full study of earmarks. Because earmarking is practiced by both the Congress and the Administration, the study will cover the House, Senate and Executive Branch. Earmarking in authorizing, appropriation, tax and tariff measures will be covered. The JSC would report their findings back to Congress within six months. While the Committee is conducting the study, no earmarks would be considered by either the House or the Senate.


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