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@tw3nty3ight @katiberz I need/want to get a 360 one of these fine days.
Mark's ex and my friend, Cheryl Lamar, came to Selinsgrove to support Mark and the Harrison family in their time of loss. She loved Rany!
@paulswansen well, you can't beat the $99 Roku costs!
@tw3nty3ight I love NetFlix but have you tried Roku? The set-top box for NetFlix?
The Top 40 Posts of 2008 on PR 2.0 - (via @briansolis)
Chief marketing officers have a short tenure in corporations: (via @smallbiztrends)
FT article about how PR is using Twitter by my buddy David! How awesome!
Financial Times article: Companies use Twitter to pack PR punch:
My best buddy, David Gelles, wrote an FT article about Twitter and PR:
@LAStory Oh, come on! It's snow! Snow is pretty and cool and pure and hopeful and seasonal, right?
It is snowing in Selinsgrove. My car is covered with snow. Mostly. It isn't sticking on the road. But it is sticking on lawns and homes.
Mark Harrison, my best friend and CEO, is probably going to be staying in PA near family for a few months or more. A good son for sure!
Top 20 Twitter Posts of 2008 (via @DavidWard)
@kantzb Looks to me like the town was named after your family. How cool is that?
I am in line at the viewing. The line is 20-30-minutes long. Rany Harrison, Mark's dad, was well-adored by the community.
@tapps Only unfollow those people who "auto follow" you if their autofollow message has a link or is a shameless pitch!
@PRProPam "It's my party and I'll crime if I want to?" ::
My latest post over on AdAge Global Idea Network was posted: "There Is Nothing 'Mc' About McCafe in Europe"
From Trib: "U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the Senate will not seat anyone Gov. Rod Blagojevich chooses"


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dennis Crowley DocRob Dick Hardt Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Wayne Sutton om Paul Terry Walhus Ryan Pollock Dion Hinchcliffe tommy payne Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Peter Rothman Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Dan Cederholm Sooz Wendy Chaitanya Sagar Morten Lund i heart quotes David Parmet Mike Manuel CREATIVOICES PRODUCT Neil Drumm Justine ColeSmietana Rich Dean Landsman Reid Hoffman
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