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Going AFK until this evening - the real world calls
@mcbeth59 - no fair! I'm just getting ready to leave!
Sign of newspaper endtimes: Village Voice lays off Nat Hentoff, see
@prylen - Magpie gd service but Twitter API requires giving password away - no security
@mclouthier @kshaidle - well-defined & tested authx (security) protocols exist (see Internet2) that Twitter should use in API (sigh)
The page rank for my Twitter account is higher than for my two blogs!
@jasonmitchener @mclouthier @kshaidle - biggest drawback to Magpie is Twitter API lack of security - you give away your password
#tcot - GMAC capital raising effort falls short of capital req to convert to bank holding company, see
@mosqueda - good morning back atcha! Hope your New Year's Eve is as exciting as you want it to be... ;-)
@jasonmitchener @mclouthier @kshaidle - earning money is a good thing; bloggers/twitterers can't live on air & snark
@mclouthier @kshaidle @jasonmitchener - monetizing services makes them self-reliant, self-perpetuating, independent ergo Magpie good
way late, but time for lunch AFK
@aminoff - tweet sounds like you wanted ISRAEL to cease its offensive - had to reread twice ;-)
@lagomorph13 - no video; working on illustrated written material not yet available
RT @BreakingNewz: GM, GMAC ease lending rules to entice car buyers #tcot (ironic)
New blog post: Online Security Advisories
@hughhewitt - also check Daniel Pipes at Middle East Forum,
#tcot - a rough draft of one Brit's list of conservative principles, see


Biz Stone Evan Williams Wayne Sutton om Dave McClure Mr Messina Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Andy Abramson Thor Muller Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble Hugh MacLeod Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins Fricka CenterNetworks Jeremiah Rex Hammock Kristopher Kelsey Ruger Michael Weems Stephen Alison CNN Breaking News Nicole Simon BBC Business BBC SciTech BBC Technology Tris Hussey MarketWatch Erick Erickson Twitterrific
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