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@marisaurgo oh yes. And @ just $11 a pour its half as expensive as I've seen elsewhere.
At pub ordering some port. 20year old Taylor Fladgate.
On tarmac at Reagan. 45 min 2 takeoff.
@amitry I'm sure. Also the on XM.
Kids all sick so Christmas mass now in doubt.
Off tomorrow so it feels like a Friday.
@KyleFlaherty it sure looks that way. hoping it is just your decade, minus one year :)
@KyleFlaherty ... Celts and Bruins dominance, i guess Boston fans are sitting pretty and can be classy (unlike me :)
@KyleFlaherty what a nice thing to say. true and nice -- and undeserved given my trash talking mouth. :) given looming Jets flame-out,
@dtearl nice expectations setting. i'll take 108 in reg season.
@KyleFlaherty very. not sure if it was necessary, but it's not my $$$ and happy that they spend to win.
@kellnaaah Bay = Manny? BUWHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Cm'on. Bay was good, but Manny is a game changer and always killer in clutch. hard to replace.
@demarrais i have 90% range of motion, need strength and pushing into that last 10% hurts!!!! (esp if my dress is on too tight :)
@kellnaaah trash talking the Sox need for him. he hits .190 in Fenway & you have 1st base. he will hit better at new Stadium & we need !st.
@kellnaaah Sox would have won WS in 08 if they had Manny, zero doubt. If they had just let him be a free agent in off season.
@kellnaaah bitter much? Sox didn't need him at 1st, you just need a bat in middle of lineup. Yanks needed 1st base, Swisher can P/T, OF.
@demarrais hurts, but PT is worse. assured it will be 100% just may take 6 months. but can't complain, as a heath issue = so minor.
Glad i'm a fan of this club, willing to spend, do what it takes to win. Other big market teams could do same, but lack laser focus on WS.
Teixeria deal is so interesting. Beantown boos will be a bit louder, no? A-rod must happy. anyone doubt the Yanks want to win in 09?
HOLY MOLEY! Texieria is going to the Yankees, 8 yrs $170M.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton om Dave McClure Paul Terry Walhus PhoneBoy Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Andy Abramson Daniel Johnson, Jr. Chaitanya Sagar Sam Gonzales Justine Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Alan Weinkrantz Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Jim Long Paul Hyland Brian Solis Karen O'Brien Ian  C.C. Chapman Snook BostonDave Robert Scoble Phil Wolff Michael Markman
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