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roll on the weekend, we're almost there !
bloody hell, Mr Angry across from me, otp now and he's a salesman, hope he aint William 'D-Fens' Foster in disguise :-)
suit, tie, shirt, early train to London, very serious looking, what's he doing? Adding friends on Facebook, makes me smile
och its a wee bit chilly today, wishing i was free to go to opencoffee today but sadly not once again..
Back to work today - feels like been off for ages but time to knuckle down I guess - waiting for laptop to finish booting of course
Merry Christmas ! Tons of Lego to build today :)
@timoreilly peak waste stuff is so true, almost feel sorry for people under 20 that have no clue what the next couple of years will bring
@patphelan I'm waiting to watch that too, once the presents are wrapped, which can only happen once the 2nd child is asleep
ah the joy of Christmas Eve, kids being threatened with No Santa if they don't go to sleep b4 midnight, booze and hopefully decent telly !
just been and had my permanent crown fitted, painful experience to say the least, in time for Christmas dinner though so that's good :-)
I'm on holiday !! and have stayed in bed until 10:00am and am now wasting time on Facebook quizzes and cr@p
this damn cough is killing me, literally almost, i coughed while eating and blocked my nose with cabbage, totally disgusting!
That's enough for tonight, using the Polyphony F1 I got to 5:45.291 and that's with 2 crashes, it's a bitch to handle on Nordschleife !
I reckon that's about as good as it's gonna get for this car, 06:23.229, if i REALLY nail it i may break 20s but going to try something else
Broke lap record again - down to 06:28.314 now - and also realised no-one probably cares, except me :-)
it's been a busy day but enjoying finishing it off with a blast around Nordschleife in a CLK Touring car - best time so far 06:33.26 :)
sleep is elusive once again despite decent hotel
Another fatality on the train line near Durham means delays before i even get out of Darlington.
yippee !!! expenses time, why so excited? well it gets me away from EU docs of course
I now have 1500+ questions to answer and fill out in an xls - most of it based on reading EU documentation, think I may struggle today..