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Finishing dinner at Acquerello. The new year will begin with delicious things in my belly.
Après hike crab louie in Sausalito.
I believe the naked, mustachioed gent riding the leaping dolphin has inserted himself into the cetacean's blowhole.
1st rule of the web: don't piss off the breast feeding moms. They just gave birth and sure as hell aren't gonna take any shit from you.
@biz Ms PacMan is more like the illegitimate daughter of PacMan. It was made as a hack of the original without owner consent. Cool story.
Italians ordering in Spanish at the taqueria. They were doing well until they wanted yogurt on their tacos.
Philips is selling a ballshaver (explicitly). One of the promised product benefits is "an extra optical inch."
@jeremy can you pick me up $60M in embezzled funds? And a SCSI cable.
Been trying to de-dupe my iTunes for over a day. And now the hard drive fails. There are backups but ... AARRRRRRGH!
Bought my first ever Christmas present for a cat. Fu played with it for 5 minutes. Then drowned it in the toilet.
Patching WoW from a fresh install. Seeing the 1.12 patch notes again was a hoot: "Now with spells!"
@ptcav56 Seems nothing good is ever on.
Pshew! Joining the Navy was just a dream. Ow! Nearly breaking my thumb from punching at phantoms was not. (Missed ghost; hit wall.)
Installing Lich King. Someone stop by and hose me down in a few days.
@normative let's do it! I'm there Thursday thru Saturday.
Yup; I am going to CES. If you got Twitter bidness to transact, hit me up.
The Old Navy clock on Mrkt that says "Time to Shop" should get rid of its hands. Wanna know what time it is? Time to buy a XL sweater, fatso
Ran 2 miles and then ate steak. Unclear what progress looks like.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Hook sara Greg Kidd Livia Dunstan Krissy Bush al Alissa Brandooon Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell mai Ted Wang Eric Case veen Dennis Crowley rae brune Maggie Mason Ozlem lane Chris Sacca Pete Hopkins angus kohtz Yarrow Kae Bucans Chad Thornton
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