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@_evan Congratulations! But tell me that your proposal didn't involve the words "can has"?
The last one in the office in 2008. I know! I never would have guessed either.
Hearing of exciting possibilities in trac. Thinking of @jack.
Thankful to @sara for getting me the best eye drops on the market. My eyes might survive the dry heater air of winter after all!
@mrtall, @jeremy, @_funkyboy The guilty party has yet to be uncovered. But they've all the wrath a congested invalid can muster coming.
That wasn't cool. And don't try that "it was just a dream, I didn't really do that" excuse with me. Not good enough.
Awake at 4am and snuggled up to a box of kleenex. Using this unexpected free time to plot my revenge.
I see. A protest of some sort is fucking MUNI. Traffic seems to be moving again, albeit slowly. Stay put and avoid Market for an hour.
Rows of empty busses sans drivers line Market Street. This does not bode well.
It is seeming less and less likely that this sniffling is just a passing fad. My sore throat joining in does little to help matters.
@ericwright What made you so miserly with your characters? Are you under some kind of draconian character limitation? Oh... wait.
Aw d'oh. Post-vacation alarm fail.
Putting on clothes over my pajamas to go to the corner store. You may THINK I am dressed, but I have you all fooled!
Merry Christmas Twitter. I less than three you.
Christmas eve at Twitter involves mimosas and commiserating over past horrors. Holidays at their best.
Following @HotAmishChick who has recently joined the ranks of my favorite twitterers. Who are your favorites?
All the whos down in whoville jumped the Grinch and got my stuff back, and my materialistic Christmas was saved.
Tipped 25ยข to via @tipjoy, because dude! Cute things falling asleep!
The United States Postal Service may have ruined Christmas. Little known fact: USPS actually run by The Grinch.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Shannon Krissy Bush Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell telene lane caroline mdy Nelson Minar Alex Payne jb Status Updates Jesse Andrews Britt Selvitelle meangrape Satan Evan Twitter Mark Hegge Tim Siedell Scott Simpson Sockamillion Diet Remiel Adam Lisagor Maggie Utgoff twii twitticisms Mike Davis