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OH: It is the nature of cats to eat house plants and barf. Cats are little furry barfing machines.
@Mickipedia also, walk "mall" in central prk: they sell roasted nuts that r great.. those r where i take new ppl in nyc
@Mickipedia is a little chilly this time of yr, bt if u haven't done it, take the 6 to brooklyn, eat at patsy grimaldis, wlk brooklyn bridge
@dangillmor make a wiki..
RT @xenijardin: RT @dangillmor: Irony-is-Dead Dept.: Huffington daughter a debutante (via publish2)
Funny. Robin Williams came up w all new election material even after tons of comics had covered
@t @Heddaville once had a house guest see an "F U" in a hair.. burst out laughing.. could hear it all over the house.
@t @Heddaville i write on shower walls w a single long hair. sometimes an idea, sometimes just an expletive for the next person. is funny.
@monaaa congrats mona! great news!
@JPWP yeah.. no kidding are cell companies cashing in. what's worse, they propose to double the charges. scam..
yesterday's NYT article on SMS msgs: they don't cost the cell companies ANYTHING, coming or going
@Katrinskaya read that in NYT about charges for SMS. basically.. cell activity carries data regarless of whether txt msg is inside.
interesting. tried to do DM's from Twhirl.. Twhirl deletes them. Doesn't ask me if i really want to do it, or correct them. just deletes.
@Travelwriticus yes.. all that stuff should be opt-in.. not opt-out. using opt-outs are an example of preying on users.. to me that's evil.
@godsdog disagree. is not abt Goog, r just example of 1st use. Evil in online, software sense, means taking advantage, screwing users.
@godsdog when i talk about software, online systems, web.. evil is evil in the google sense of the word: don't be evil
RT @monaaa: @MaryHodder Uhhh Mary LOL I saw your Tweets way too late. It totally published my rank too, and I am mortified.
@monaaa oh no.. change your password now that twitterank has it..
just changed password after bad Twitterank experience.
@godsdog Twitterank is amateur, agreed. but it's my password, to a place i communicate from, it's my speech. i take it seriously.


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